November 14, 2022 at 6:30 PM - TISD Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call To Order
David Hall
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the US and Texas Flags and Invocation
3. Student Recognition- Band, Cross Country, Moot Court
4. Public Forum
5. Discussion and possible action on the 2021-22 Annual Finance and Compliance Report.
6. Discussion of taxable values in relation to future bond programs
Christian Merritt
7. Administrative Reports
7.A. Thorndale Elementary
7.B. Thorndale Middle School
7.C. Thorndale High School
7.D. Girls' Athletics
7.E. Boy's Athletics
7.F. Technology Report
7.G. Business Manager's Report
7.H. Superintendent's Report
8. Consent Agenda
8.A. Minutes
Amber Robinson
8.B. Financial Reports
Rebecca Peel
9. Discussion and possible action to approve the repair of the HS gym restroom.
10. Discussion and possible action to approve a new lease contract for copier and printer services.
11. Presentation of the Superintendent's appraisal tool.
12. Discussion of October Safety Audit.
13. English as a Second Language/ Emerging Bilingual Report
14. Discussion and possible action to petition the City of Thorndale to vacate and abandon the eastern portion of Gibson Street that encroaches into Thorndale ISD property.
15. Update of lighting upgrade proposals.
16. Discussion and possible action to approve MOU for Temple College Dual Credit Program.
17. Discussion and possible action on budget amendments.
18. Discussion and possible action to authorize the superintendent to approve a contract for a MS History teacher.
19. Personnel- Closed Session (Government Code 551.074)
20. Board Training- February- Visioning Conference
21. Set Date and Time
22. Adjourn