October 11, 2021 at 4:00 PM - Policy Committee Meeting
Agenda |
1. Section 5000 - Students
Concepts and Roles BP 5000 Noncustodial Parents BP 5021 School Discipline and Safety BP/AR 5030 Student Nutrition and Physical Activity BP/AR/E 5040 Admission BP/AR 5111 Exemptions from Attendance BP/AR 5112.1 Exclusions From Attendance BP/AR 5112.2 Open/Closed Campus BP 5112.5 Education for Homeless Children and Children in Foster Care BP 5112.6 Absences and Excuses BP/AR 5113 Interdistrict Attendance BP 5117 Transfers BP 5118 Grades/Evaluation of Student Achievement BP/AR 5121 Promotion/Acceleration/Retention BP 5123 Communication with Parents/Guardians BP 5124 Student Records BP/AR 5125 Student Records – Notification of Rights Under FERPA for Elementary and Secondary Schools E 5125 Release of Directory Information BP 5125.1 Notice of Student Directory Information E 5125.1 BP=Board Policy AR=Administrative Regulation BB= Board Bylaw E=Exhibit