December 11, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order, establishment of a quorum, invocation, pledge to the U.S. and Texas flags
II. Open forum/public comments
III. Student Recognition - JJHS MandT Kindness Award Winners (postponed due to band concert)
IV. Jourdanton ISD Annual Financial Audit Report for the Year Ended August 31, 2017
V. Report - Announcement of Board Member Continuing Education Credits
VI. Issue Certification of Election
VII. Reorganization of the Board of Trustees
VIII. Report - Construction Project Update
IX. Consent Agenda
IX.A. Minutes from previous meetings
IX.B. Business office reports
IX.C. November monthly non-conflict of interest bills
X. New Business
X.A. Items set aside from consent agenda
X.B. November monthly conflict of interest bills
X.C. Consider Annual Dissemination of the Framework for Governance and Leadership
X.D. Consider and Take Possible Action Regarding Renewal of Membership in the Retainer Program of the Law Firm of Walsh, Gallegos, Trevino, Russo & Kyle P.C.
X.E. Consider and Take Possible Action Regarding District Facilities Usage Agreement
XI. Personnel
XII. Superintendent's Report
XII.A. Resignation(s)
XII.B. Winter Governance and Legal Seminar
XII.C. District Christmas Luncheon
XII.D. Campus Reports
XII.E. Athletic Report
XII.F. Technology Report
XIII. Adjournment