March 28, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Prayer - Alma Martinez
I.B. Pledges of Allegiance
I.B.1. United States of America Flag
I.B.2. State of Texas Flag
II. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
II.A. February 15, 2022
II.B. February 22, 2022
II.C. March 7, 2022
II.D. March 8, 2022
II.E. March 16, 2022
III. Student Celebrations
IV. Public Comment
V. Information Item
V.A. Summer School
V.B. Facilities Update
V.C. Cosmetology Update
V.D. Security Cameras
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.A. Erate 25 Annual Vendor Approval
VI.B. Monthly Tax Report
VI.C. Waiver for Remote Students
VII. Items to Consider and Possible Action
VII.A. Change April Board Meeting Date
VII.B. Lead Nurse Stipend
VII.C. Budget Amendment #2
VII.D. Purchase Orders over $25,000
VII.D.1. Purchase of Two Buses
VII.D.2. Purchase and Installation of above ground Fuel Tanks
VII.D.3. Content Keeper Renewal
VIII. Closed Meeting Pursuant to Texas Government Code Chapter 551
VIII.A. Personnel Matters (Tex. Gov. Code 551.074)
VIII.A.1. Resignations/Retirements
VIII.A.2. Employment of Personnel
VIII.A.2.a. New to District
VIII.A.2.b. Contracts for Professional Personnel
VIII.A.3. Discussion and consideration of the Interim Superintendent's recommendation to propose the non-renewal of the 2021-2022 Chapter 21 Dual Assignment Term Contract of a Teacher/Coach, J.G. Sec. 21.206 Tex. Edu. Code, Board Policy DFBB (Legal) and (Local)
VIII.A.4. Discussion and consideration of the Interim Superintendent's recommendation to terminate the 2021-2022 Chapter 21 Probationary Contract of a teacher at the end of the contract period in the best interests of the District. F.T., Sec. 21.103 Tex. Edu. Code, Board Policy DFAB (Legal)
VIII.B. Consultation with attorney regarding: a) pending or contemplated litigation; b) a settlement offer; or c) a matter in which the duty of the attorney to La Feria Independent School District under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. (Tex. Gov't Code 551.071)
VIII.B.1. Consultation with Attorney concerning legal issues pertaining to the proposed non-renewal of the 2021-2022 Chapter 21 Dual Assignment Term Contract of a Teacher/Coach, J.G. and termination of the 2021-2022 Probationary Contract at the end of the contract period of a Teacher, F.T.
IX. Reconvene in Open Meeting
IX.A. Action on any Item Deliberated in Closed Meeting
IX.B. Discussion, consideration and possible action to approve the Interim Superintendent's recommendation to propose the non-renewal of the 2021-2022 Chapter 21 Dual-Assignment Term Contract of a Teacher/Coach, J.G.
IX.C. Discussion, consideration and possible action to approve the Interim Superintendent's recommendation to terminate the 2021-2022 Chapter 21 Probationary Contract of a teacher at the end of the contract period in the best interests of the District. F.T.
X. District Announcements
XI. Adjourn