April 19, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the Meeting to order
1.A. The meeting was called to order at ____ p.m. by Board Chair Timothy Homstad
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Open Forum
5. Approval of Minutes
6. Approval of Financials
7. Ehlers Bond Sale - Shelby McQuay
8. 22-23 Revised Budget
9. 23-24 Proposed Budget
10. Reports
10.A. School Board
10.A.1. Open Piano Bids
10.A.2. Weather Related School Cancellation
10.A.3. Final Reading of Policy 705
10.A.4. Second Reading of Policy 516.5
10.B. Nurse Metcalf - Narcan Discussion
10.C. Student Representatives
10.D. Principal
10.D.1. High School Class Registration
10.D.2. Prom Plans
10.D.3. Graduation Plans
10.D.4. Tenure Waiver
10.E. Superintendent
10.E.1. Design Team/ARI/Facility Update
10.E.2. Transportation Contract
10.E.3. Letter of Resignation
10.E.4. Baseball/Softball Scoreboard/Power Update
10.E.5. Fourth Grade Food Drive - $1,906.29 + 6 boxes of non-perishable food
10.E.6. School Year 23-24 staffing
10.E.7. TeamWorks International Follow up Discussion
10.E.8. Fund Balance Policy
10.E.9. Letter from Mayor Sharon
10.E.10. Manganese Water Update
10.E.11. Northern Lights Special Education Cooperative 2023-2024 Agreement
10.F. Other
10.G. Financial
11. Action Items
12. Upcoming Meetings
12.A. Regular Board Meeting Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
13. Motion to adjourn the meeting