April 21, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the Meeting to order
1.A. The meeting was called to order at ____ p.m. by Board Chair Timothy Homstad
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Open Forum
5. Approval of Minutes
6. Approval of Financials
7. Reports
7.A. School Board
7.A.1. Fourth Grade Food Drive - $2,030.45
7.A.2. Third and Final Reading of Policies 526, 533, 601, and 603.
7.B. Student Representatives
7.C. Superintendent
7.C.1. ARI Recap
7.C.2. Early Childhood/School Readiness Discussion
7.C.3. Hiring of Assistant Track Coach
7.C.4. COVID-19 Update
7.C.5. Baseball/Softball Fields Update
7.C.6. Graduation Updated Plans
7.C.7. Prom Plans
7.C.8. Teacher Negotiations
7.C.9. Administration Structure
7.C.10. Northern Lights Special Education Cooperative 21-22 Agreement
7.C.11. Non-Renewal of M. Darvell
7.C.12. Staffing Discussion-Second Grade Split
7.C.13. Insurance Bids
7.D. Other
7.E. Financial
8. Action Items
9. Upcoming Meetings
9.A. Regular Board Meeting is set for Wednesday, May 19, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
10. Motion to adjourn the meeting