June 17, 2020 at 6:00 PM - REGULAR MEETING
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order at _____ p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Agenda
3.A. Motion by ____, seconded by _____ to the agenda as presented/amended. Action _____.
4. Open Forum
5. Approval of Minutes
5.A. Motion by ____, seconded by _____ to approve the minutes from the Virtual Regular Board Meeting on May 13, 2020. Action _____.
6. Approval of Financials
6.A. Motion by ____, seconded by _____ to approve to pay the invoices as presented in the amount of $65,709.25. Action _____.
6.B. Motion by ____, seconded by _____ to approve the electronic funds transfer in the amount of $230,657.96. Action _____.
7. Reports
7.A. School Board
7.B. ARI Discussion with Katie & Scott
7.C. Introduction of new Student Representatives
7.D. Financial
7.E. Superintendent/Principal
7.E.1. Non-Certified Negotiations
7.E.1.a. Contracts to settle - increases, updates, changes
7.E.1.b. Non-Certified Insurance Increases
7.E.2. Football Program
7.E.3. Additional Coaches Pay 2019-20
7.E.4. 2020-21 Budget/Capital Outlay/LTFM Discussion
7.E.5. MREA Membership Renewal
7.E.6. Arrowhead Regional Computing Consortium (ARCC)
7.E.7. Catastrophic Student Assurance Renewal
7.E.8. School District Insurance Policy
7.E.9. Just Kids Dental Agreement
7.E.10. Staff Discussion - Jeremy Rach, Kellee Young, Megan Darvell
8. Consent Items
8.A. Motion by _______, seconded by ______ to approve the consent items as presented. Action______.
8.A.1. To approve the Agreement with Just Kids Dental as presented for the 2020-21 School Year.
8.A.2. To approve the 2020-2022 MREA membership in the amount of $2,440.
8.A.3. To approve the 2020-21 ARCC Specific Services Contract in the amount of 18,700.90.
8.A.4. To approve the 2020-21 Catastrophic Student Assurance Policy Renewal in the amount of $820.00.
8.A.5. To approve the resignation of Industrial Arts Teacher, Jeremy Rach, effective at the conclusion of the 2019-20 School Year.
9. Action Items
9.A. Motion by ____, seconded by _____ to approve the 2020-2021 School District Insurance Policy in the amount of $53,668.28. Action _____.
9.B. Motion by ____, seconded by _____ to approve the presented increase of Health Insurance District contributions for all Non-certified contracts beginning in FY21. Action _____.
9.C. Motion by ____, seconded by _____ to approve the 2020-2021 Capital Outlay as presented. Action _____.
9.D. Motion by ____, seconded by _____ to approve the 2020-2021 Budget as presented. Action _____.
9.E. Motion by ____, seconded by _____ to approve the 2020-2021 LTFM Plan as presented. Action _____.
9.F. Motion by ____, seconded by _____ to approve the Agreement to extend the probationary period of Kellee Young for the 2020-2021 school year. Action _____.
9.G. Motion by ____, seconded by _____to approve the pay for additional coaches in 2019-20 School Year for Cross Country and Junior High Basketball as presented. Action _____.
9.H. Motion by ____, seconded by _____to approve the 2020 and 2021 Football Seasons Agreement with Floodwood High School. Action _____.
9.I. Motion by ____, seconded by _____ to approve the hiring of Special Education Teacher Megan Darvell at MA Step 5 to begin in the 2020-2021 school year. Action _____.
9.J. Motion by ____, seconded by _____ to approve the 2019-2021 Contract for Business Manager as presented. Action _____.
9.K. Motion by ____, seconded by _____ to approve the 2019-2021 Contract for Administrative Specialist as presented. Action _____.
9.L. Motion by ____, seconded by _____ to approve the 2019-2021 Contract for Secretary/Administrative Assistant as presented. Action _____.
9.M. Motion by ____, seconded by _____to approve the 2019-2021 Contract for Secretary as presented. Action _____.
9.N. Motion by ____, seconded by _____ to approve the 2019-2021 Contract for Lead Custodian as presented. Action _____.
9.O. Motion by ____, seconded by _____ to approve the 2019-2021 Contract for Custodian as presented. Action _____.
9.P. Motion by ____, seconded by _____ to approve the 2019-2021 Contract for Head Cook as presented. Action _____.
9.Q. Motion by ____, seconded by _____ to approve the 2019-2021 Contract for Kitchen Aide as presented. Action _____.
9.R. Motion by ____, seconded by _____ to approve the 2019-2021 Contract for Kitchen Aide/After School Program Coordinator as presented. Action _____.
9.S. Motion by ____, seconded by _____ to approve the 2019-2021 Revised Contract for Paraprofessionals as presented. Action _____.
9.T. Motion by ____, seconded by ____ to approve the Notice of Filing Dates for Election to the School Board. Action _____.
10. Upcoming Meetings
10.A. Regular Board Meeting - Wednesday, July 15, 2020 @ 6:00 p.m.
11. Motion by ____, seconded by _____ to adjourn the meeting at ____ p.m. Action _____.