March 30, 2016 at 6:00 PM - SPECIAL MEETING
Agenda |
1. Call meeting to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Motion by__________________seconded by_____________________to approve additions to the agenda. Action____________________.
3.A. ________________
3.B. ________________
3.C. ________________
4. Open forum
5. Discussion Items:
5.A. Baseball
5.B. Long Term Facility Plan
5.C. HVAC specs and timelines
5.D. Survey Results
5.E. Building project timelines/procedure
5.F. Superintendent questions and procedure
5.G. Negotiations Update
5.H. Administrative Duties
5.I. Miscellaneous Attachments
6. Motion by_______________________seconded by___________________to close meeting for negotiations. Action_________________.
7. Motion by___________________seconded by_____________________to reopen meeting. Action ___________________.
8. Motion by_____________________, seconded by_____________________to adjourn at _________p.m. Action________________.