February 17, 2016 at 6:00 PM - REGULAR MEETING
Agenda |
1. Call meeting to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Motion by_________________seconded by___________________to approve the agenda as presented/amended. Action__________________.
4. Open Forum
5. Approval of Minutes:
5.A. Motion by_______________seconded by________________ to approve the minutes of the regular January 20, 2016 regular meeting minutes as presented/amended. Action _____________
5.B. Motion by_______________seconded by________________to approve the minutes of the January 25, 2016 Special School Board Meeting. Action_________________.
6. Approval of Financials:
6.A. Motion by __________________seconded by_________________ to approve to pay invoices as presented/amended in the amount of $__________________ Action _____________.
6.B. Motion by ___________________seconded by ___________________to approve electronic transfers as presented in the amount of $________________. Action _____________.
7. Reports:
7.A. School Board
7.B. Superintendent
7.C. Principal
7.D. Other
8. Consent Items
8.A. Motion by __________________seconded by_____________________to approve the hiring of Jordan Suhonen as Special Education Paraprofessional for 7.25 hours per day at the rate of $12 per hour. Action__________________.
8.B. Motion by ________________seconded by______________________to approve the hiring of Bjornstjerne Anderson as Social Studies Teacher for .67 FTE at BA Step 1 and Special Education Paraprofessional at .33 FTE at the rate of $12 per hour. Action__________________.
9. Action Items
10. Motion by ________________seconded by_________________to accept the resignation of Trevor Smith per letter. Action__________________.
11. Motion by___________________seconded by________________to approve the 2016-2017 school calendar. Action___________________.
12. Additions:_________________________________
13. Motion by_____________seconded by_______________to adjourn the meeting at ________p.m. Action______________.