July 28, 2021 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
A. Call to Order and Roll Call
B. Oath of Office: Charlotte Smith ACTION
C. Recognition of Guests/Public Comment
D. Omni Energy Contract ACTION
Attached is the Omni Energy Contract. The Omni Group will be here to further discuss. I have included this as an action item, but we can always table action until next month. There are a few items we need to discuss in detail and issues that we have had in getting these numbers together from contractors. The language in the contract is similar to what we have used with previous energy groups. There are a couple of pandemic items added which Omni will review with the board.
E. Committee Reports
E.1. Transportation INFO
E.2. Building INFO
E.3. Finance INFO
E.4. Policy ACTION
First Reading of Policy 107 |
E.4.a. Policy ACTION
Review Policy 7:40 First Reading |
E.5. High School Updates INFO
F. Administrative Report INFORMATION
Crystal Johnson will share the administrative update.
F.1. Crystal Johnson
F.2. Heath Kendrick
G. Consent Items Agenda ACTION
H. Appointment of Kelly Meeker as Treasurer for 2021-2022 School Year ACTION
Approval for completion of Treasurer bond for 2021-2022 school year.
I. Iroquois Federal Benk / Rossville-Alvin CUSD 7 Depository ACTION
Each year we must formally name the depository for Rossville-Alvin. I would recommend naming Iroquois Federal.
J. Return to School Plan INFO
Informal discussion about our back to school plan. As masks continue to be a controversial conversation, it's my responsibility as superintendent to present all options and the risks associated with each option. I don't think we will be ready to fully commit to any one plan until we receive additional information as we expect will happen in the hopefully near future.
K. Closed Session ACTION
L. Personnel ACTION
L.1. Employment
L.1.a. Jacquie Potter- Part-Time Custodian Step 0 ($13.52/Hour)
L.1.b. Athletic Director: Request to Split Position
Michael Koester- Step 0- Prorated at 50% (1629.50 amount to be paid) Jake Hill- Step 8- Prorated at 50% ($2059.50 amount to be paid) |
L.2. Retirement Notice - Laura Flint
M. Public Comment
N. Adjourn