June 7, 2021 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
A. Call to Order and Roll Call
B. Recognition of Guests/Public Comment
C. Committee Reports
C.1. Transportation INFO
C.2. Building INFO
C.3. Finance INFO
C.4. Policy ACTION
C.5. Negotiations INFO
C.6. Other Reports INFO
D. Administrative Report INFORMATION
D.1. Crystal Johnson
D.2. Heath Kendrick
E. Consent Items Agenda ACTION
F. Award Letter of Intent to Omni Energy Partners as the District’s Qualified Provider for Performance Contracting Services. Final Contract to be considered by the Board of Education once final pricing has been secured for the District’s preferred projects. ACTION
I would recommend approving a letter of intent with Omni Energy Partners so we can begin moving forward with building needs. The letter of intent does not lock us in to any particular project but is the first step in moving forward with projects throughout the building. A copy of their RFP is included in the packet.
After approval, we can discuss the bus garage/concession stand versus other projects we would like to complete. |
G. Sale of Property (110 Green St.) ACTION
I have included the one bid received. I spoke with our attorney. With a minimum bid, the board cannot accept a bid lower than that amount. The minimum bid not being met would allow the Board to list the property with a broker, but the broker must sell at or above the minimum bid (and within a certain timeframe and commission not to exceed the amount set by statute).
H. Schedule Changes for the 2021-2022 School Year ACTION
Below is a breakdown of changes for the 2021-2022 school year. These changes require Union approval as well as board. The Union voted and the changes passed.
I. Tile Work ACTION
We need to discuss how we would like to move forward with the tile project relating to the sewer system. Bub will give an update of what we found with the telescan. I also have those videos if anyone would like to review them. There is work which needs to be completed. We will need to discuss how to move forward. We are required to have a building permit to complete the work. The building permit will require a signature of engineer or architect, so these individuals will need to be involved as we proceed.
J. Closed Session ACTION
K. Personnel ACTION
K.1. Employment
K.1.a. Alexis Cade (Para Professional Step 0)- For the 2021-2022 School Year
K.2. Volunteers None
K.3. Resignations
L. Public Comment
M. Adjourn
N. Committee Reports