April 12, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
A. Call to Order and Roll Call
B. Recognition of Guests/Public Comment
B.1. Ava Acton 8th Grade Student Regarding 8th Grade Promotion
B.2. Cindy Masengale Grandparent of 8th Grade Student Regarding Promotion
C. Committee Reports
C.1. Transportation INFO
C.2. Building INFO
C.3. Finance INFO
C.4. Policy
C.5. Negotiations INFO
C.6. Other correspondence INFO
D. Administrative Report INFORMATION
Crystal Johnson will share the administrative update.
D.1. Crystal Johnson
D.2. Heath Kendrick
E. Consent Items Agenda ACTION
F. Discussion of 8th Grade Promotion ACTION
G. LED Lighting Project ACTION
Attached is a breakdown of moving from our T8 lighting to LED bulbs. There is a significant savings in pursuing this transition. The cost will be minimal to the district based on the rebate from Ameren. Springfield Electric will supply the materials and include the rebate prior to billing the district. White Electric will provide a quote for the labor. I would recommend moving forward with this project.
H. Request for Proposal ACTION
Included is a list of potential items to consider as we move forward with making building improvements. This doesn't mean all items need to be completed or that these are the only items to complete. This is just a start. I have also attached an RFP. The purpose of the RFP is to request proposals for upcoming building projects. This is similar to the process we used for the building renovation in 2013. By placing a request for proposal we are not locked in per say but rather starting the process for soliciting bids and completing additional building work within the district. We can alter these timelines if we feel necessary or proceed as stated within the document.
I. Possible Change in Arrival and Dismissal Times for 2021-2022 School Year ACTION
As we begin to plan for next school year, I want to bring a possible recommended change to the board's attention. The pandemic opened our eyes to a wide-array of changes we would like to make as we move forward in upcoming school years. One of those changes is the start and stop time for each day. Ironically, Bismarck approached us about the same conversation. We are still at the very beginning stages of this discussion as it will need discussed amongst the board, union, and scheduling considerations. To align with Bismarck's timeframe our schedule could possibly be 7:45-3:15 for staff and 7:50-2:45/50 for students. This would be the equivelant to the same amount of time in 2019-2020 but shifted in areas. As we continue discussions we could see this alter slighty as a result of scheduling. Again, we are in the beginning stages of scheduling to see if this is feasible while also taking into consideration the high school schedule.
J. Declare Items Stored at MSCD as Surplus ACTION
The items stored at MSCD include older pictures and trophies. We have already kept some for our building but we simply can't keep them all. The Alumni Association will help to coordinate an auction during their reunion next fall. We will keep all items until the time of auction and will then begin to disperse.
K. Adopt Resolution of Notice to Sell Property Located at 110 Green Street ACTION
L. Closed Session ACTION
M. Personnel ACTION
M.1. Employment
M.1.a. Employement of Summer Help for Maintenance and Custodial Duties
M.1.a.1) Jeannie Zollar (Up to 40 Hours Per Week)
M.1.a.2) Mikey Koester (Up to 40 Hours Per Week)
M.1.a.3) Carroll Ray (Up to 40 Hours Per Week)
M.1.a.4) Becky Steidel (Up to 40 Hours Per Week)
M.2. Volunteers None
M.3. Resignations
N. Public Comment
O. Adjourn