June 14, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
A. Call to Order and Roll Call
B. Recognition of Guests/Public Comment
C. Committee Reports
C.1. Building INFO
C.2. Transportation INFO
C.3. Finance INFO
C.4. Policy #98 First Reading ACTION
C.5. Negotiations INFO
C.6. Other Reports INFO
C.6.a. Administrative Report
D. Consent Items Agenda ACTION
E. Cooperative High School Update ACTION
F. Amended 2017-2018 Budget ACTION
G. School Safety Discussion INFO
H. Title I Plan ACTION
Attached is the recommended school-wide title plan. This plan will move us from targeted to school-wide which will then give us tremendous flexibility in how we spend title dollars. Mr. Kendrick and I will review the plan with you and how we recommend using these title dollars. The major change will be the ability to utilize Title dollars to move into a 1:1 district. We will be able to use dollars to purchase devices for all students as well as pay for a third party to help us move forward with the initiative.
I. Agreement with Single Path for 1:1 Initiative Technology Leadership ACTION
This is the company we have spoken with over the past couple of years about assisting our district in a move toward a one-to-one imitative. Attached is the contract for their services. This will be funded through Title dollars. There involvement is essential in helping us better understand how to best meet the needs of students, staff, and technology needs as we move forward with the process. Mr. Kendrick will present more information about how they will assist and the committee that will be used to help prepare for the transition.
We are in need of a phonics program for K-3 students that goes above the regular reading curriculum. We have talked with our School Psychologist and Title I teacher. After much discussion and talking with other districts in the county we are recommending moving forward with the purchase of the FUNDATIONS program which is what many county schools are using. The startup cost to purchase all materials is $20,400. Mr. Kendrick and I will present more information about the program and review student data which supports the idea of a phonics program in K-3.
K. Resolution Pertaining to Prevailing Wages for Vermilion County ACTION
L. Worker's Compensation Renewal ACTION
This quote from Harris Agency reflects a $1900 decrease from last year's premium. I would recommend approving the quote.
M. Board Meetings (July 2018/ June 2019) ACTION
N. Closed Session ACTION
O. Personnel ACTION
O.1. Resignation
O.1.a. Toni Duval- Volleyball
O.2. Employment
O.2.a. Elizabeth Braddock as Treasurer for Board of Education Effective July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019
We are required to annually name the school district Treasurer.
P. Public Comment
Q. Adjourn