February 12, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum: Craig Hartman, Board President
2. Opening Prayer: Candise Kubis, Board Secretary
3. Consent Items:
3.a) Approve the minutes from the Regular Monthly Board Meeting of January 15, 2025.
4. Recognition of February Students of the Month
5. Recognition of Former Board Member, Kim Walterscheid
6. Recognition of Students in FCCLA and Varsity Cross Country
7. Public Hearing to Review 2023-2024 TAPR Report
8. OPEN FORUM - Audience Participation & PUBLIC COMMENT
9.a) Superintendent's Report: Mr. Quick
9.b) Technology Report: Mr. Presnall
9.c) Elementary Principal's Report: Mrs. Sicking
9.d) Secondary Principal's Report: Mr. Sewell
9.e) Counselor's Report: Ms. Newton & Mrs. Reynolds
9.f) Athletic Director's Report: Mr. Carney
9.g) Transportation Report: Mrs. Fleitman
9.h) Business Manager's Report: Leslie Hartman
9.h)1. Tax Report
11.a) Consider/Approve TASB Policy 124 Update
11.b) Consider/Approve the order of the Board of Trustee Election for May 3, 2025
11.c) Consider/Approve Budget Amendments to the 2024-2025 Budget. *See Business Office Report.
11.d) Consider/Approve the Resignation of Randal Davis for the end of school year 2024-2025.
11.e) Consider/Approve Contract Renewal for Brady Carney, Athletic Director, as presented.
11.f) Consider/Approve Contract Renewal for Debra Sicking, Elementary Principal, as presented.
11.g) Consider/Approve Contract Renwal for Jennifer Anderson, Special Ed Director, as presented.
11.h) Consider/Approve Contract Renewal for Jeff Presnall, Technology Director, as presented.
11.i) Consider/Approve Contract Renewal for Jackie Reynolds, Secondary Counselor, as presented.
11.j) Consider/Approve Contract Renewal for Cassie Newton, Elementary Counselor, as presented.
12. Executive Session The Board may convene in executive session in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act §551.074, Personnel & §551.076, Security Personnel, Devices, & Audits.
13. Adjourn