August 14, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Public Hearing to Discuss/Adopt 2024-2025 Tax Rate & Regular Monthly Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum: Craig Hartman, Board President
2. Opening Prayer: Candise Kubis, Board Secretary
3. Consent Items:
3.a) Approve the minutes from the Regular Meeting of July 10, 2024.
4. Public Hearing to Discuss/Adopt 2024-2025 Tax Rate
5. OPEN FORUM - Audience Participation & PUBLIC COMMENT
6.a) Superintendent's Report: Mr. Quick
6.b) Technology Report: Mr. Presnall
6.c) Elementary Principal's Report: Mrs. Sicking
6.d) Secondary Principal's Report: Mr. Sewell
6.e) Athletic Director's Report: Mr. Carney
6.f) Transportation Report: Mrs. Fleitman
6.g) Counselor's Report: Ms. Newton & Mrs. Reynolds
6.h) Business Director Report: Mrs. Hartman
6.h)1. Review June Tax Report
7.a) Review Electrical/Lighting Bids for Competition Gym
7.b) Review Electrical/Lighting Bids for Ag Barn.
7.c) Review 2024-2025 School Board Goals
7.d) TEA Recapture Notification
8.a) Approve Innovative Coursework for CTE.
8.b) Approve the Eichelbaum Wardell Telephone Consultation Agreement.
8.c) Approve Increase for Child Nutrition Meal Pricing
9. Executive Session The Board may convene in executive session in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act §551.074, Personnel; §551.0821 Personally Identifiable Student Information
9.a) 2024-2025 Personnel Planning
9.a)1. Approve 11-month Probationary contract for Tara Whitley
9.a)2. Approve 10-month Probationary Contract for Tamara Blythe
9.a)3. Approve 11-month Dual Assignment probationary contract for Gerrod Heath
9.a)4. Accept the Retirement of Smoke Koelzer, Maintenance Director
10. Adjourn