February 24, 2020 at 5:30 PM - Workshop Meeting
Agenda |
1. Discussion on Soccer Cooperative with Belle Plaine Schools
2. Review Flexible Learning Year Application & Calendars
The public will have the opportunity to comment at this meeting.
3. Recommended Budget Reductions
The public will have the opportunity to comment at this meeting.
4. Capital, Safe Schools, and LTFM Project Ideas/Needs and Rough Budget Numbers
5. Public Hearing on Recommended Budget Reduction & Flexible Learning Year Application (30 Minutes) (with 3 minutes allotted to each speaker)
Other than Agenda items (Limit 30 minutes, 3 minutes per speaker). During the public comment part of each regular board meeting, up to 30 minutes of time will be allowed for district constituents to address the board. Each person may have up to 3 minutes of time to speak. This is a time of "listening" by the school board. The board is here to listen only and will not take action or discuss topics brought forward during the open forum. It may, at is discretion, ask questions for clarification of issues. The board may, if it deems appropriate, bring said issues forward at a subsequent meeting. NO PERSONAL ATTACKS WILL BE ALLOWED. The open forum is the only opportunity for members of the audience to speak out during the meeting. Please attach form and follow the guidelines for presenting your topic.