March 13, 2014 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Jordan Pride Awards
Recognition of outstanding volunteer work in our district.
3.1. Sarah Fritzke - Certificate of Achievement
for Sarah for working diligently on acquiring grants and instructional supplies for JES related to our RtI Math program.
3.2. Margaret Hennen, Alice Beck, Dianne Weiers - Certificate of Achievement
These ladies are receiving the Jordan Pride Award for their efforts with helping Diane Hesse with the Scholastic Book Fair.
3.3. Tammy Randolph - Certificate of Achievement
For going above and beyond as a tour guide for the Jordan Middle School Community meetings
4. Roll Call - Burke__Carritt__Hennen__Pauly__Pedersen__Vogel__Vollbrecht__
5. Consideration of Agenda
6. Public Comments
Other than Agenda items (Limit 30 minutes, 5 minutes per speaker). During the public comment part of each regular board meeting, up to 30 minutes of time will be allowed for district constituents to address the board. Each person may have up to 5 minutes of time to speak. This is a time of "listening" by the school board. The board is here to listen only and will not take action or discuss topics brought forward during the open forum. It may, at is discretion, ask questions for clarification of issues. The board may, if it deems appropriate, bring said issues forward at a subsequent meeting. NO PERSONAL ATTACKS WILL BE ALLOWED. The open forum is the only opportunity for members of the audience to speak out during the meeting. Please attached form and follow the guidelines for presenting your topic.
7. Consensus Items
7.1. Donations
A resolution must be passed by 2/3 of the board in order to properly accept the donations listed in the attachments. Resolution is also attached. No roll call vote is needed since the resolutions have been placed in the consent agenda.
Parents of Kyle Morgan - Senior 2010-2011 made a theater donation for $90.00.
7.2. Board Minutes
7.3. New Hires
7.3.1. Tami Wellhausen - ECFE Program Assistant
7.3.2. Ben Mueller - Weight Room Supervisor
7.3.3. Rhonda Kucera - Long Term Substitute for Kat Sinke
8. Action Items
8.1. Board Policies - First Reading
Policies 419 Tobacco-Free Environment and 905 Advertising are being submitted for the first reading.
8.2. Board Policies - Second Reading
Policies 406, 414 are being submitted for the second reading.
8.3. Cheerleading
Seeking Board Action on Cheer Request.
8.4. Resolution Approving the Dissolution of the Carver-Scott Educational Cooperative No. 930
Standard procedure to close out CSEC.
8.5. Contract Approvals
Negotiations have been completed. Proposed contracts attached.
8.5.1. Rhonda Doeden - 2013-15
8.5.2. Laurie Jabs - 2013-15
8.5.3. Nicky Knapp - 2013-2015
8.5.4. Beth Kulas-Volk - 2013-15
8.5.5. Stephen Damlo - Technology Director
8.5.6. Marijean Storlie - ECFE Coordinator
8.5.7. Beth Cromie - Preschool Coordinator
8.5.8. Claire Lightfoot - Special Services Secretary
8.6. FY 14 Additional Requests (1:1 Technology and Outdoor Facilities)
Please review the revenue source attachment and previously approved FY 14 expenditures attachment first prior to reviewing the 1:1 FY 14 request and the outdoor facilities FY 14 request. Additional FY14 projected revenues total $203,761 of which $35,214 was spent on previously approved additional FY14 expenses above the original budgeted amount. This leaves a balance of $168,547.
8.7. Make-up Days Plan
See attachment for recommendation.
9. Information Items
9.1. Class Size Study Report
Metro ECSU Class Size Study Report showing where ISD 717 fits with the rest of the Metro ECSU Districts.
9.2. FY15 Enrollment Projections & Trends/FY15 Revenue Projections
ADM projections along with FY 15 Additional Revenue Projections. Projected Additional FY15 revenues total $982,325 based on a conservative student count of 1775 entered on EDRS. This additional revenue amount is based on a comparison with FY14 revenue.
9.3. Informational Items - Administrative Requests for FY 15
The administrative team has outlined a list of requests for additional expenditures for FY 15 (as compared to FY 14). The team will present their summaries and ask for board feedback. These requests will be adjusted based on the feedback and also based on the projected FY 15 revenue (presented previously in the agenda). Administrative FY15 budget requests total $487,416. We will also need to budget for contractual increases as appropriate.
9.4. Informational Items/Board and Administrative Reports
Due to the potential length of the meeting, I would ask that the administrative team only answer questions about the reports and refrain from reading their reports out loud.
9.4.1. High School Board Report
9.4.2. Middle School Board Report
9.4.3. Elementary School Board Report
9.4.4. Activities Director Board Report
9.4.5. Community Education Board Report
9.4.6. Curriculum Director Report
9.4.7. School Board Reports
Committee Reports from the Board.
9.4.8. District Updates
Superintendent to provide oral report on district happenings.
9.4.9. Celebrate Jordan - April 6, 2014
Updates on events and responsibilities.
10. Strategic Planning Update
First session is Wednesday, March 12th. We will leave the middle school parking lot at 5:00 PM. Please let Laurie know if you are planning to carpool and ride in the van. Please bring a notebook and pen. In addition, please note that dinner will be provided at the session. All board members, administrative team members, and 4 teaching staff members comprise the JPS Team.
11. Adjourn.