May 17, 2021 at 5:15 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Certify Agenda
1.B. Opening Prayer
1.C. Pledge of Allegiance to U.S. and Texas Flags
2. Administer Oath of Office to Unopposed Duly Elected Board of Trustees
3. Reorganization of Board of Trustee Officers
4. Open Forum for Public Comments
5. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda:
5.A. Minutes for April 19, 2021, 5:15 p.m., Regular Meeting
5.B. Tax Collection Report
5.C. Monthly Investment Report
5.D. May Budget Amendment
6. Action Items:
6.A. Consider Approval of Innovative Class: General Employability Skills Career Development for 8th Graders Beginning in 2021-2022 SY
6.B. Consider Approval of Revised MVISD Wellness Plan Beginning in the 2021-2022 SY
6.C. Consider Approval of Proposed 2021-2022 Teacher Salary Scale
6.D. Consider Approval of TEA Reading Academy Registration Amount via Region 8 for Elementary K-4 Teachers
6.E. Consider Approval to Adopt and Purchase Curriculum from Reading Horizons for Kindergarten - 2nd Phonics Program
6.F. Consider Approval of Student Insurance Carrier Proposal for UIL Student Athletics and Activities Coverage and Catastrophic Coverage Insurance
6.G. Consider Approval of Revising BE(LOCAL) Regular Board Meetings Date and Time
6.H. Consider Approval of Revising 2020-2021 Academic Calendar
6.I. Consider Approval of Delegating Hiring Authority to Superintendent for Contractual Personnel for the Remaining Month of May and the Months of June and July 2021
7. Information Items:
7.A. School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Summary and Recommendations
7.B. Enrollment Totals
7.C. MVHS 2021 Graduation Ceremony Update
8. Convene to Closed Session for Personnel Matters pursuant to Texas Government Code Section §551.074.
9. Reconvene into Open Session to Consider Matters Discussed in Closed Session
10. Personnel Report
10.A. Consider Professional Contracts as Recommended by the Superintendent
10.B. Acknowledge Resignations
11. Adjourn