February 11, 2021 at 5:15 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Certify Agenda
1.B. Opening Prayer
1.C. Pledge of Allegiance to U.S. and Texas Flags
2. MVHS FFA Officers Join MVISD School Board Meeting
3. Special Recognition: Teachers of the Month and Auxiliary Employee of the Month
4. Open Forum for Public Comments
5. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda:
5.A. Consider Minutes for the January 2021 Meetings
5.A.1. Consider Approval of January 11, 2021, 6:00 p.m., Regular Meeting
5.A.2. Consider Approval of January 29, 2021, 12:00 p.m., Special Meeting
5.B. Tax Collection Report
5.C. Consider Investment Report
5.D. Budget Amendments
6. Action Items:
6.A. Consider Approval of TASB Policy Update 116, Affecting the Following Local Policies:
6.B. Re-evaluate the Requirement of Wearing Masks by Staff and Students
6.C. Consider Approval of a One-Time COVID Compensation Payment for District Employees
6.D. Consider Approval of Board Resolution Extending Bank Depository Contract for Funds with Alliance Bank
6.E. Consider Approval of Revised 2020-2021 Stipend/Extra Duty Compensation List
7. Information Items:
7.A. Budget Update Information
7.B. Enrollment Totals
7.C. Training Opportunities
8. Convene to Closed Session for Personnel Matters pursuant to Texas Government Code Section §551.074 to discuss professional, administrators and directors contracts.
9. Reconvene into Open Session to Consider Matters Discussed in Closed Session.
10. Personnel Report
10.A. Consider Professional, Administrators and Directors Contracts as Recommended by the Superintendent
10.B. Acknowledge Resignations (If any)
11. Adjourn