November 16, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Citizen Input
IV. Celebrations
IV.(1) Teacher and Staff Members of the Month
IV.(2) Varsity Volleyball and Cross Country
IV.(3) FFA Leadership Development Events
IV.(4) Veterans Day 2023
V. Consent Agenda
V.(1) Minutes of Previous Meetings
V.(2) Financial Report
V.(3) Utilities Report
V.(4) Food Service Report
V.(5) Disbursements Report
V.(6) Investment Report
V.(7) Budget Amendments
V.(8) Purchase above $25,000
V.(9) Disposal
VI. Administration Reports
VI.(1) Superintendent
VI.(1)1. Enrollment Report
VI.(1)2. Overnight Trips
VI.(1)3. Resignation(s)
VI.(1)4. New Hires(s)
VI.(1)5. Long Range Planning
VI.(1)6. Advanced Course Report
VI.(1)7. 2023-2024 Adult Education and Literacy Partnership Agreement with NTCC
VI.(1)8. Debt Retirement
VI.(2) Miscellaneous
VI.(2)1. Student Advocacy and Engagement
VII. Action Items
VII.(1) Consider/Approve Resolution to Approve the Tax Roll
VII.(2) Consider/Approve TASB Policy Update 121:
VII.(2)1. (LEGAL) policies
VII.(2)2. (LOCAL) policies;
CFB(LOCAL): Accounting - Inventories CKE(LOCAL): Safety Program/Risk Management-Security Personnel CKEA(LOCAL): Security Personnel-Commissioned Peace Officers CLB(LOCAL): Building, Grounds, and Equipment Management-Maintenance CRF (LOCAL): Insurance and Annuities Management-Unemployment Insurance CVA(LOCAL): Facilities Construction-Competitive Bidding CVB (LOCAL) Facilities Construction-Competitive Sealed Proposals DEA(LOCAL): Compensation and Benefits-Compensation Plan FD(LOCAL): Admissions FFI(LOCAL): Student Welfare-Freedom From Bullying |
VII.(3) Consider and possible action to approve and adopt an order canvassing the election returns for the November 7, 2023 Bond Elections
VIII. Closed Session
VIII.(1) Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of public officers, including school board members or employees - (TEXAS GOV'T CODE 551.074)
IX. Action from Closed Session
IX.(1) Discuss, consider, and take any necessary action related to the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public officers, including school board members or employees - (TEXAS GOV'T CODE 551.074)
X. Future Topics
X.(1) NTSBA Dinner
X.(2) Holiday Plan
XI. Adjournment