August 18, 2016 at 7:00 PM - REGULAR MEETING
Agenda |
I. Call to Order/Roll Call
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Additions/Changes to Agenda
IV. Shared Agreements: (Julie Pearson)
1. Make decisions according to what is best for ALL District 33 students. 2. Respect staff and other board members and their opinions. 3. Be willing to see things from the eyes of seven (7) people, not just one (1). 4. Allow everyone to complete their thoughts. 5. Commit to shared leadership. 6. Respect confidentiality. 7. Adhere to our belief in our students' full potential and successful future. Strategic Plan Goals Goal #1 - Increase achievement and expand educational opportunities. Goal #2 - Develop a 5-year financial plan and maintain a balanced budget. Goal #3 - Implement accountability to curriculum and instruction as mandated. Goal #4 - Create a positive image and culture. |
V. Public Comment
VI. E.T.A.W.C. Statement - (Kathy McKee)
VII. Presentations/Recognitions
VII.A. COD / District 33 Spanish Cohort update (Toni Galan)
VII.B. KIDS Kinder Assessment Update (Kristina Davis)
VII.C. Building Achievement and Growth Data (Paul Bleuher and Kristina Davis)
VIII. Consent Agenda
VIII.A. Approve Board of Education meeting minutes
VIII.B. Approve Policy sub-committee minutes
VIII.C. Approve current expenditures
VIII.D. Approve current payrolls
VIII.E. Approve personnel items; (employee personnel, accept resignations, approve classified staff changes)
VIII.F. Approve disposition of closed session audio tapes
IX. Financial Reports
IX.A. Treasurers' report
IX.B. Budget Report
IX.C. Cash flow summary report
IX.D. Financial charts
IX.E. Revenue report (update of receipts)
X. Discussion of New / Ongoing Business with Possible Action
X.A. Presentation(s) follow-up
X.B. First reading of policies/job descriptions
X.B.1. Policies
X.B.2. Job Descriptions
X.C. Second reading of policies/job descriptions
X.C.1. Policies
X.C.2. Job Descriptions
X.D. Staffing and enrollment
X.E. Appoint hearing officers for the 2016-2017 school year
X.F. Mexican Independence Day Celebration in West Chicago, September 17 & 18, 2016
X.G. Parking lot
XI. Action Items
XII. Information Items
XII.A. Current job listings
XII.B. Freedom of Information report
XII.C. Committee assignments for 2016-2017
XII.D. Board outreach
XIII. Report of District Committee Meetings
XIII.A. SASED Board of Control - Gil Wagner (August 2016)
XIII.B. Foundation for Educational Excellence - Sue Stibal (August 11, 2016)
XIII.C. Policy Sub-committee - Angelica Romano (August 8, 2016)
XIII.D. Legislative Committee - Dr. Charles Johns
XIII.E. Open Comments (Board Members)
XIV. Review of Upcoming Meetings/Events
XIV.A. Suggested agenda items for next board meeting
XIV.B. New Teacher Workshops - August 17 - 19, 2016
XIV.C. First day of class grades 1-8 - August 25, 2016
XIV.D. First day of Kindergarten - August 29, 2016
XIV.E. Inter-Governmental Council Meeting - August 29, 2016 - 200 Fremont
XIV.F. First day of Preschool - August 30, 2016
XIV.G. Next Regular Board Meeting - September 1, 2016 - 7:00 p.m. - ESC
XV. Adjournment