May 21, 2015 at 7:00 PM - REGULAR MEETING
Agenda |
I. Call to Order/Roll Call
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Additions/Changes to Agenda
IV. Shared Agreements: (4)
1. Make decisions according to what is best for ALL District 33 students.
2. Respect staff and other board members and their opinions. 3. Be willing to see things from the eyes of seven (7) people, not just one (1). 4. Allow everyone to complete their thoughts. 5. Commit to shared leadership. 6. Respect confidentiality. 7. Adhere to our belief in our students' full potential and successful future. Strategic Plan Goals Goal #1 - Increase achievement and expand educational opportunities. Goal #2 - Develop a 5-year financial plan and maintain a balanced budget. Goal #3 - Implement accountability to curriculum and instruction as mandated. Goal #4 - Create a positive image and culture. |
V. Public Comment (4)
VI. E.T.A.W.C. Statement - (Kathy McKee)
VII. Presentations/Recognitions
- Foundation for Educational Excellence Presentations - Second Language Learners Program Study - Kristina Davis, Assistant Superintendent for Learning
VIII. Consent Agenda * (2) (4)
VIII.A. Approve Board of Education meeting minutes
VIII.B. Approve sub-committee meeting minutes
VIII.C. Approve current expenditures
VIII.D. Approve current payrolls
VIII.E. Approve current imprest list
VIII.F. Accept resignations
VIII.G. Employ personnel
VIII.H. Approve request for maternity leaves, unpaid leaves of absence, job transfers, and /or job shares
VIII.I. Approve classified staff changes
VIII.J. Approve disposition of closed session audio tapes
IX. Financial Reports (2)
IX.A. Treasurers' Report
IX.B. Budget Report
IX.C. Cash flow summary report
IX.D. Financial Charts
IX.E. Student Activity Account Report
IX.F. Revenue Report (update of receipts)
X. Discussion of New / Ongoing Business with Possible Action * (2) (4)
X.A. Presentation(s) follow-up
X.B. First reading of policies/job decriptions
X.C. Second reading and possible adoption of job descriptions
X.D. Amend 2014-2015 budget
X.E. Proposed administrative changes for FY'16
X.F. Tentative budget planning for FY'16
X.G. Review copier paper bid
X.H. Review transfer of interest earned from working cash to operations and maintenance fund
X.I. Review prevailing wage resolution
X.J. Review tax sheltered companies
X.K. Parking lot updates and additions
XI. Action Items * (2) (3) (4)
XI.A. Approve food service contract renewal
XII. Information Items (1) (2) (4)
XII.A. Current job listings
XII.B. Short term maternity leave report
XII.C. Student attendance report
XII.D. Student suspension report
XII.E. Truancy referral report
XII.F. Freedom of Information report
XII.G. Out-of-district placement of students with disabilities
XII.H. IASB, IASA, IASBO Joint Annual Conference
XII.I. Board outreach
XII.J. School newsletters
XIII. Report of District Committee Meetings (4)
XIII.A. PTO Council (Board Rep) - May 7, 2015
XIII.B. Foundation for Educational Excellence (Sue Stibal) - May 14, 2015
XIII.C. Curriculum Coordinating Council (Brenda Vishanoff) - May 14, 2015
XIII.D. Insurance Committee (John Haffner) - May 21, 2015
XIII.E. Legislative Committee (Charles Johns)
XIII.F. Open Comments (Board Members)
XIV. Review of Upcoming Meetings/Events (1) (2) (3) (4)
XIV.A. Suggested agenda items for next board meeting
XIV.B. Retirement and Recognition Social - May 21, 2015 - 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. - Leman Middle School Cafetorium
XIV.C. PTO Council Appreciation Dinner - May 26, 2015 - 6:30 p.m. - Prairie Landing, West Chicago
XIV.D. Finance Committee - May 26, 2014 - 7:00 p.m. - ESC
XIV.E. SASED Board of Control - May 27, 2015 - 7:00 p.m. - Naperville, IL
XIV.F. Eighth Grade Graduation (3 sessions)
- June 2, 2015 (Team 8 White) - 7:00 p.m. - Leman Middle School Cafetorium
- June 4, 2015 (Team 8 Red) - 6:00 p.m. - Leman Middle School Cafetorium - June 4, 2015 (Team 8 Blue) - 8:00 p.m. - Leman Middle School Cafetorium |
XIV.G. Council of Governments Meeting - June 29, 2015 - 6:30 p.m. - Community High School District 94 Office, 157 W. Washington Street, West Chicago, IL
XV. Closed Session
(The Board of Education may convene into closed session to discuss confidential matters, and may take action upon reconvening into open session only during regular or special board meetings. No action can be taken on a specific agenda item unless it has been posted on that particular agenda. The Board is permitted to discuss various items in closed session, including but not limited to: collective bargaining, pending or imminent litigation, sale/purchase/lease of property, student discipline, and the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees. The motion to convene into closed session will state the specific reason(s).)
Motion to Convene Into Closed Session * (The Board will move to convene into closed session to discuss a specific item(s) that are listed below. These are anticipated discussion items during closed session. Prior to convening into closed session, the Board may add an item(s) for discussion as part of the motion, but action will be taken only on the item(s) stated on the posted agenda.) The Board of Education will move to go into closed session to discuss information regarding student discipline, collective bargaining matters, and the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees. |
XVI. Action Items Following Closed Session *
(The Board of Education approves closed session minutes as read after reconvening to open session, and may take action on an item(s) that are listed on the posted agenda.)
XVI.A. Approve closed session minutes as read
(This is a regular task of the Board of Education if an executive session is held. After the Board reconvenes to open session it is required that the board members approve these minutes.)
XVI.B. Approve administrator and exempt staff salaries and benefits
XVI.C. Act on employee discipline matter
XVII. Adjournment