November 18, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call
2. Prayer
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Training on BoardBook software update.
5. Public Comment
6. Consent Agenda
6.a) Consider meeting minutes not previously approved
7. Recognition of outgong Board Members Mr. Duff Hallman and Mr. Shawn Uptergrove for their years of service as Trustees on the Christoval ISD School Board.
8. Administration of Oath of Office to newly elected Trustees.
9. Consider Reorganization of Officers on the CISD School Board.
10. Discussion of future School Board training dates.
11. Presentation on the collection of delinquent taxes by Dean and Dean, Attorneys at Law.
12. Consider lease agreement of land for future designated bus stop.
13. Consider Memorandum of Understanding with Tom Green County regarding paving of a future designated bus stop.
14. Update on current and future capital improvement projects, grant applications, and possible consideration on items relating to this topic
15. Review of District Safety Audit Report.
16. Superintendent's Report
17. Business Manager's Report
18. Consider Budget Amendments
19. Principals' Reports
20. Athletic Director's Report
21. Adjourn