April 18, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Welcome, Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation
2. Campus/Department Spotlight
2.A. Teacher/Employee
2.B. Students of the Month
2.C. High School
2.D. STEM Academy Overview and Presentation, STEM Explanation, STEM Academy or STEM Center - Visioning Institute
3. Recognition of Public Forum Opportunity
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Board Minutes for Regular Meeting March 21, 2016
4.B. Board Minutes for Special Meeting March 28, 2016
4.C. Executive Director of Finance: General Operating Funds, Check Register, Utility and Tax Reports
5. Reports
5.A. Assistant Superintendent
5.A.1. Public School Works
5.A.2. Testing
5.A.3. Cohort Data and Presentation from Doug LaFleur, Eidex
5.B. Superintendent
5.B.1. Maintenance Report
5.B.2. Transportation, Vehicle Repairs and Fuel Report
5.B.3. Discipline Report
5.B.4. Mexia ISD Attendance/Enrollement Report
5.B.5. Portrait of a graduate- Visioning Institute
5.B.6. Turnaround Plan- Sims
5.B.7. Job Fair Update
6. New Business - Discussion/Action Items
6.A. Consideration, discussion and/or action regarding approval of HVAC Bid review and recommendation for bond work at the high school
6.B. Consideration and/or Action regarding the yearly contract renewal checklist, cost reimbursable amount amendment and budget from Aramark Food Service for the 2016/17 school year.
6.C. Consideration, discussion and/or action regarding maintenance repairs performed in a timely manner
6.D. Consideration, discussion and/or action regarding approval of the MSSLC, Limestone County and MISD Contingency Agreement for emergency transportation
6.E. Consideration, discussion and/or action regarding update from Technology department director
6.F. Consideration and/or action regarding approval of budget amendment for High School CTE Ag Summer Events
6.G. Consideration, discussion and/or action regarding the Telephone System Replacement
6.H. Consideration, discussion and/or action regarding Copier Contract
6.I. Consideration, discussion and/or action regarding Harris County Department of Education Choice Partners Cooperative
6.J. Consideration, discussion and/or action regarding CoCurricular Local Agreement with Little Dribblers
6.K. Consideration and/or Action regarding Future Board Agenda Items
7. Executive Session
7.A. Issues Relating to the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee, or to Hear a Complaint or Charge Against an Officer or Employee (551.074)
"This Board will now adjourn into executive session pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Open meetings Act: 551.074 - Issues Relating to the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer, or Employee including Professional Contracts, or to Hear a Complaint or Charge Against an Officer or Employee, or to name the superintendent for Mexia ISD. 551.0821 - Student Issues."
The Time is ... |
7.A.1. Consideration, discussion and/or action regarding Resignations or Retirement
7.A.2. Consideration, discussion and/or Action regarding Employment (and any others that come after board posting)
7.A.3. Consideration, discussion and/or action regarding professional educator contracts (probationary and term renewals)
7.A.4. Consideration, discussion and/or action regarding employee status and employee, in need of assistance/ professional growth
7.B. Student Issues including Transfers and Discipline
8. Return to Open Meeting and Take Any Action Deemed Necessary Upon Discussion in the Closed Meeting
The time is
8.A. Issues Relating to the Appointment, Resignations, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee or to Hear a Complaint or Charge Against an Officer or Employee
8.A.1. Consideration, discussion and/or action regarding Resignations or Retirement
8.A.2. Consideration, discussion and/or Action regarding Employment (and any others that come after board posting)
8.A.3. Consideration, discussion and/or action regarding professional educator contracts (probationary and term renewals)
8.A.4. Consideration, discussion and/or action regarding employee status and employee, in need of assistance/ professional growth
8.B. Student Issues including Transfers and Discipline
9. Adjournment