December 19, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Opening the meeting
2. Call to Order, Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance
3. Recognition of Visitors/Communication to the Board (Goals 2,4)
4. Consent Agenda
- Any questions or comments regarding the consent agenda from administrators? - Any questions or comments regarding the consent agenda from the Board? |
4.A) Approval of the 11/14/23 Levy Hearing minutes, the 11/14/23 Regular Board meeting minutes, the 11/14/23 Regular Meeting Closed Session Minutes, and the 11/30/23 Special Board Meeting Minutes
4.B) Treasurer's Report November 2023 (Goal 5)
4.C) Invoices Payable December 2023 (Goal 5)
4.D) Personnel Recommendations (Goals 2, 3)
4.D)1) Resignation
4.D)1)a) Certified
4.D)1)b) Non-Certified
4.D)1)c) Extra-Curricular
4.D)2) Request(s) for Leave of Absence (Beginning and end dates open to modification)
4.D)2)a) Certified
4.D)2)b) Non-Certified
4.D)3) Employment Recommendation(s)
4.D)3)a) Certified
4.D)3)b) Non-Certified
4.D)3)c) Extra-Curricular
5. Informational reports
5.A) Homer Council Report
5.B) Homer Support Staff Council Report
5.C) Directors' Reports
5.C)1) Buildings and Grounds
5.C)2) Special Services
5.C)3) Technology
5.C)4) Transportation
5.D) Assistant Superintendent Report
5.D)1) Curriculum
5.D)2) Human Resources
5.E) Superintendent's Report
6. Old Business
7. New Business
7.A) Text book list
7.B) Board policy review (first read only): 5:250, 6:230, 7:60, 7:190, 7:270, 2:20, 2:120, 2:200, 2:200, 2:220, 2:220-E2, 2:220-E6, 4:10, 4:60, 4:130, 4:160, 5:30, 5:190, 5:200, 5:210, 5:220, 5:330, 6:15, 6:30, 6:50, 6:60, 7:70, 7:160, 7:285, 7:290, 8:30, 4:30, Press Plus Issue #113
7.C) Recommendation to increase custodian substitute rate
7.D) Recommendation to approve the retirement of the following individual(s) subject to compliance with the terms and conditions of the District's one-time IMRF retirement incentive program and to approve separation agreements with said employee(s)
7.E) Recommendation to approve the notice of retirement for Leah Rarick, first grade teacher at Young School, subject to compliance with the applicable requirements of TRS and the District's collective bargaining agreement - effective at the end of the 2027/2028 school year
7.F) Policy 4:60 Purchasing approvals
- HVAC Automation Maintenance, Software Upgrades, and Support Contract with Building Automation Solutions |
8. Discuss Future Board Meeting Agenda Items
9. Motion to go into Closed Session for Discussion of 1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity, 2) discussion of collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees, 3) litigation, when an action against, affecting, or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court of administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meetings, 4) security procedures and the use of personnel and equipment to respond to an actual, a threatened, or a reasonably potential danger to the safety of employees, students, staff, the public, or public property, 5) The placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students
10. Action after Closed Session
10.A) Recommendation to approve the resolution to allow a certified employee to move to a part time position from December 11, 2023 through the reminder of the 2023-2024 school year only and returning to their regular full-time assignment for the 2024-2025 school year.
10.B) Employee Dismissal
10.B)1) Recommendation to approve the dismissal of a custodian from his custodial position within the district.
10.C) Recommendation to approve the agreement with New Story for in-school educational services.
11. Motion to adjourn