December 14, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Opening the meeting
2. Call to Order, Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance
3. Recognition of the ILMEA chorus members
4. Recognition of the ILMEA band members
5. Recognition of the ILMEA band member Kurt Biggus
6. Recognition of Visitors/Communication to the Board (Goals 2,4)
7. Consent Agenda
- Any questions or comments regarding the consent agenda from administrators?
- Any questions or comments regarding the consent agenda from the Board? |
7.A) Approval of the November 16, 2021 Regular Board meeting minutes and the November 16, 2021 Regular Meeting Closed Session Minutes (Goal 4)
7.B) Treasurer's Report November 2021 (Goal 5)
7.C) Invoices Payable December 2021 (Goal 5)
7.D) Personnel Recommendations (Goals 2, 3)
7.D)1) Resignation
7.D)1)a) Certified
7.D)1)b) Non-Certified
7.D)2) Request(s) for Leave of Absence (Beginning and end dates open to modification)
7.D)2)a) Certified
7.D)2)b) Non-Certified
7.D)3) Employment Recommendation(s)
7.D)3)a) Certified
7.D)3)b) Non-Certified
8. Informational reports
8.A) Homer Council Report
8.B) Homer Support Staff Council Report
8.C) Directors' Reports
8.D) Superintendent's Report
9. Old Business
9.A) Board policy updates and/or adoptions: First and second read of the policies: 4:120, 6:270, 7:310, 8:100, 2:105, 2:110, 2:120, 2:20, 2:220, 2:220-E6, 2:260, 3:40, 3:50, 3:60, 4:160, 4:170, 4:175, 4:60, 5:10, 5:100, 5:125, 5:150, 5:185, 5:20, 5:200, 5:220, 5:250, 5:30, 5:330, 5:50, 5:90, 6:120, 6:135, 6:15, 6:180, 6:20, 6:340, 6:50, 7:150, 7:160, 7:180, 7:190, 7:20, 7:240, 7:250, 7:260, 7:290, 7:30, 7:340, 7:345, 7:60, 7:70, 7:80, 4:165, 2:220-E1, 2:220-E3, 2:220-E5, 2:220-E8
9.B) Long Term Facility Update
10. New Business
10.A) 2020-2021 IAR and ACCESS Presentation
10.B) The “Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act” (ANCRA) states that School Board members need to be aware of their obligation to report any suspicions of child abuse and neglect to the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services. |
10.C) Text Book List
10.D) Policy 4:60 Purchasing Approvals:
- Dessa software
- Purchase of new buses - One year BCBA contractual service for the 2021-2022 school year in the amount of $83.00 an hour for 35 hours a week - One year Social Worker contractual service for the 2021-2022 school year in the amount of $79.50 an hour for 35 hours a week. - InformaCast Intercom 3-Year License, $11,138 |
10.E) Recommendation to approve the Resolution to Purchase Buses
10.F) Recommendation to adopt resolution adopting the TRS Supplemental Savings Plan
10.G) Recommendation to approve the job description for District Data Secretary
10.H) Recommendation to authorize Superintendent to enter into agreement with real estate agent/broker on contingency fee basis.
11. Discuss Future Board Meeting Agenda Items
12. Motion to go into Closed Session for Discussion of 1) discussion of collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees, 2) Security procedures, school building safety and security, and the use of personnel and equipment to respond to an actual, a threatened, or a reasonably potential danger to the safety of employees, students, staff, the public, or public property. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(8), 3) Student disciplinary cases. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(9), 4) The placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(10)
13. Motion to adjourn