May 8, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. BOARD MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: _________________________________
Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance |
2. Adopt Order of Agenda
3. Superintendent's Report
3.A. Dr. Ardella Mack - School Improvement Grant update
4. Mr. Jason Helton needs to leave the room.
Consent Agenda |
4.A.1. Docket of Claims:
4.A.1.a. Regular Docket Claim Numbers 128578 through 128682
Regular Docket Claim Numbers 128683 through 128797 Regular Docket Claim Numbers 128798 through 128920 Regular Docket Claim Numbers 128921 through 129051 |
4.A.1.b. Hand-Typed Checks Claim Numbers 129052 through 129063
4.A.1.c. Foundation Claim Numbers 743 through 744
4.B.1. Property Removal Affidavit
4.B.1.a. North Forrest High
4.B.1.a.1. NFH (1)
4.B.1.a.2. NFH (2)
4.B.1.a.3. NFH (3)
4.B.1.a.4. NFH (4)
4.B.1.a.5. NFH (5)
4.B.1.a.6. NFH (6)
4.B.1.a.7. NFH (7)
4.B.1.a.8. NFH (8)
4.B.1.a.9. NFH (9)
4.B.1.a.10. NFH (10)
4.B.1.a.11. NFH (11)
4.B.1.a.12. NFH (12)
4.B.1.a.13. NFH (13)
4.B.1.a.14. NFH (14)
4.B.1.a.15. NFH (15)
4.B.1.a.16. NFH (16)
4.B.1.a.17. NFH (17)
4.B.1.a.18. NFH (18)
4.B.1.a.19. NFH (19)
4.B.1.a.20. NFH (20)
4.B.1.a.21. NFH (21)
4.B.1.a.22. NFH (22)
4.B.1.a.23. NFH (23)
4.B.1.a.24. NFH (24)
4.B.1.a.25. NFH (25)
4.B.1.a.26. NFH (26)
4.B.1.a.27. NFH (27)
4.B.1.a.28. NFH (28)
4.B.1.b. North Forrest High Cafeteria
4.B.1.b.1. NFHC (1)
4.B.1.b.2. NFHC (2)
4.B.1.c. Rawls Springs Attendance Center
4.B.1.c.1. RSAC (1)
4.B.1.c.2. RSAC (2)
4.B.1.c.3. RSAC (3)
4.B.1.d. Transportation
4.B.1.d.1. Trans (1)
4.B.2. Miscellaneous
4.B.2.a. 2023-2024 School Nutrition Bid Procedure and Policy
4.B.2.b. 2023-2024 Procurement Plan for School Nutrition
4.B.2.c. Hourly rates for employees who work during Federally Funded Summer Programs for 22-23;
4.B.2.d. Adjustment to 2023-2024 Non-certified Salary Scale
4.B.2.e. Salary Scale Recommendation for 2023-2024
4.B.2.f. Review Changes to Policy JCDB - Dress Code for Students
4.B.2.g. Approve Board Policies IJB - Internet Safety Policy, IJBB - Responsible Use of Technology, and IJ-R - Internet/Technology Acceptable Use Policy that went for review at April 10, 2023, Board meeting;
4.B.2.h. School Nutrition Essential Workers Incentive Pay for 2023-2024
4.B.2.i. Salary Supplement request for 2023-2024
4.B.2.j. Annual services proceed by Herff Jones
4.B.2.k. MHS Mobile Dental Memorandum of Understanding
4.B.2.l. 2023-2024 School Wellness Policies and
2022-2023 School Wellness Policy Compliance Reports |
4.B.2.m. Payroll Option for New Hires
4.C.1. NFHS Monetary Donation from MS Restaurant Association for Culinary Arts
Request to accept an $850.00 monetary donation from MS Restaurant Association for Culinary Arts;
4.C.2. NFHS Donation
Request to accept a $947.00 monetary donation from NFHS Football Booster Club for the yearbook;
4.C.3. SFAC Donation
Request approval to accept items from Girls Who Code;
4.D.1. Non-Certified Personnel Leaving:
4.D.1.a. NFH - Mr. Monral Brown - Position
4.D.1.b. SF - Mr. Christopher Bolton
4.D.1.c. Trans - Ms. Patricia McNair
4.D.2. Non-Certified Personnel Recommended:
4.D.2.a. CO - Recommend 6 student workers for the 2023 summer;
4.D.2.b. CO - Mr. David Bassett - Position & Salary
Mr. Greg Mills - Position & Salary |
4.D.2.c. CO - Mr. Casey Cain
4.D.2.d. CO - Ms. Martha Riels - summer worker
4.D.2.e. CO - Ms. Patricia Southerland
4.D.2.f. 7 School nutrition summer school workers
4.D.2.g. SN - Mr. Robert Kilgore
4.D.3. Certified Personnel Leaving:
4.D.3.a. DX - Mr. Denver Taylor
4.D.3.b. ET - Ms. LaMyia Tait
4.D.3.c. RS - Ms. Jessica Thomas
4.D.4. Certified Personnel Recommended:
4.D.4.a. CO - Ms. Jennifer Moore - Position
4.D.4.b. ET - Ms. Lucy Holloway
4.D.4.c. NFE - Ms. Christine Daigle
4.D.4.d. NFE - Ms. Misty Jordan
4.D.4.e. NFE - Ms.Laken Kilsby
4.D.4.f. NFH - Ms. Koyasha Bridges
4.D.4.g. NFH - Ms. KateLin Carsrud
4.D.4.h. NFH - Mr. Jeffery Daniels
4.D.4.i. NFH - Ms. Yolanda Polk
4.D.4.j. SF - Ms. Alexis Hubbard
4.D.4.k. SF - Ms. Carianne White
5. Mr. Jason Helton may return to the room.
5. Bids and Quotes |
5.A. Produce Bid for the 2023-2024 school year.
Request to Advertise, Receive, and Open Produce Bids for 2023-2024 school year;
6. 16th Section
6.A. 16th Section Report
Request to approve the 16th section report as presented;
6.B. Reclassification of +/- 6.0 acres
Request to reclassify +/- 6.0 acres of land farm residential to residential on Monroe Road;
6.C. Reclassification of +/- 38.0 Acres
Request to reclassify +/- 38.0 acres of land farm residential to forest land located on Monroe Road;
6.D. Lease # 000165
Request to approve a new 25-year residential lease # 000165 in the name of Bart Barnes;
6.E. Lease # 000170
Request to approve a new 25-year residential lease # 000170 in the name of Matt Barnes;
6.F. Lease # 010176
Request to advertise, receive, and open bids for a new hunting/fishing lease # 010176. The bids are to be opened at the June 12, 2023, Board meeting;
6.G. Lease # 012186
Request to advertise, receive, and open bids for hunting/fishing Lease # 012186. The bids are to be opened at the June 12, 2023, Board meeting;
6.H. Lease # 700777
Request to approve a new 25-year residential lease # 700777 in the name of Jeremy Martin retroactive to February 1, 2023;
6.I. Lease # 710790
Request to advertise, receive, and open bids for a new hunting/fishing lease # 710790. The bids are to be opened at the June 12, 2023, Board meeting;
7. Financial
7.A. Bank Balances
Approve bank balances for March 31, 2023, for District and Foundation;
7.B. District and Foundation Financials
Request to approve the financials for District and Foundation for March 31, 2023;
7.C. Budget Amendments
Request to approve the budget amendments for March 1-31, 2023;
7.D. Title 1 - 1003 School Improvement
Request to approve the Title 1 - 1003 -School Improvement Budget amendment;
7.E. Capital Project - NF VOC Building Budget Amendment
Request approval to create a new Capital Project fund for North Forrest High Vocational Building;
8. Miscellaneous
8.A. Minutes
Approve April 10, 2023, Minutes for Board and Foundation;
8.B. Meal Pricing Programs and Special Events for School Nutrition
Request to increase the Meal Pricing Program(s) and Special Events(s) to be effective July 1, 2023;
8.C. Online Curriculum
Request approval for Edmentum to be approved as a district online curriculum for the 2023-2024and 2024-2025 school years;
8.D. MS Athletic Trainers Association
Request to send Mr. Travis Holified to the MS Athletic Trainers Association June 5th - 8th 2023. The District is to pay registration fees, hotel accommodations, meals, and mileage;
8.E. 2023-2024 CTE Local Plan and Assurances
Request to approve the CTE-Local Plan and Assurances and provide the necessary signatures for the 23-24 Local Plan and budget for the Carl D. Perkins 23-24 Basic Grant;
8.F. Accelerate MS Career Coach Grant Memorandum of Understanding
Request approval to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with Accelerate MS Career Coach Grant;
8.G. Resolution
Request approval to adopt a resolution for the execution of a 0% loan from MDE in the amount of $461,855.00 for the construction of the new CTE Construction Building at NFH;
9. Public Participation
10. Consider Executive Session
11. Enter Executive Session
12. Leave Executive Session
13. Adjourn
14.A. Monthly Workshop Compilation