December 13, 2021 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Adopt Order of Agenda
3. Superintendent's Report
4. Consent Agenda
4.A.1. Docket of Claims:
4.A.1.a. Regular Docket Claim Numbers 120859 through 121069
Regular Docket Claim Numbers 121070 through 121218 Regular Docket Claim Numbers 121234 through 121367 Regular Docket Claim Numbers 121368 through 121506 |
4.A.1.b. Hand-Typed Checks Claim Numbers 121219 through 121233
4.A.1.c. Foundation Claim Numbers 720 through 721
4.B.1. County Office
4.B.1.a. CO (1)
4.B.1.b. CO (2)
4.B.1.c. CO (3)
4.B.1.d. CO (4)
4.B.1.e. CO (5)
4.B.1.f. CO (6)
4.B.1.g. CO (7)
4.B.1.h. CO (8)
4.B.1.i. CO (9)
4.B.1.j. CO (10)
4.B.1.k. CO (11)
4.B.1.l. CO (12)
4.B.1.m. CO (13)
4.B.1.n. CO (14)
4.B.1.o. CO (15)
4.B.1.p. CO (16)
4.B.1.q. CO (17)
4.B.1.r. CO (18)
4.B.2. North Forrest Elementary
4.B.2.a. NFE (1)
4.B.3. North Forrest High
4.B.3.a. NFH (1)
4.B.3.b. NFH (2)
4.B.3.c. NFH (3)
4.B.3.d. NFH (4)
4.B.3.e. NFH (5)
4.B.3.f. NFH (6)
4.B.3.g. NFH (7)
4.B.3.h. NFH (8)
4.B.3.i. NFH (9)
4.B.4. Rawls Springs Attendance Center
4.B.4.a. RSAC (1)
4.B.5. South Forrest Attendance Center
4.B.5.a. SFAC (1)
4.C.1. Student Transfers:
4.C.1.a.1. Student Transfer ID# 12132021-01
4.C.2. Miscellaneous
4.C.2.a. ESS Services
Request for ESS as a service to our administrators and teachers. ESS is to provide a full-service substitute management program to K-12 school districts.
4.D.1. Donation from Forrest County Board of Supervisors
Request approval for North Forrest High to accept a monetary donation of $20,000.00 from the Forrest County Board of Supervisors;
4.E.1. Non-Certified Personnel Leaving:
4.E.1.a. CO - Mr. Jakorian Newsom
4.E.1.b. ET - Mr. Evan Spurlock
4.E.1.c. NFE - Ms. Quinia Morgan
4.E.1.d. NFH - Ms. Linda Alexander - Ratification
4.E.1.e. SPED - Ms. Megan Hamilton
4.E.1.f. SN - Ms. Felicia Johnson - Ratification
4.E.1.g. SN - Ms. Caroline Vidrine
4.E.2. Non-Certified Personnel Recommended:
4.E.2.a. DX - Ms. Shelby Shows
4.E.2.b. ET - Ms. Lanie Baravik
4.E.2.c. NFE - Ms. Quinia Morgan - Reverse resignation
4.E.2.d. NFH - Ms. Tracie Hillman
4.E.2.e. SF - Mr. Toby White
4.E.2.f. SN - Ms. Oleta Gmerek - Position and Salary
4.E.2.g. SN - Ms. Nicole Mannan
4.E.3. Certified Personnel Leaving:
4.E.3.a. ET - Mr. Chad Gore - Military Leave of Absence
4.E.4. Certified Personnel Recommended:
4.E.4.a. ET - Ms. Katrina Smith - Position
4.E.4.b. SFAC - Ms. Kristina Wheat - Position
5. 5. Bids and Quotes
5.A. Request for bids on a network cabling project
Request permission to submit fo rebids on a network cabling project as well as a wireless access point project for each school in the district;
5.B. Advertise, receive and open bids
Request to advertise, receive, and open bids for the sale of the 2005 Honda Accord;
5.C. Authorize to advertise, receive and open bids for outdoor classroom
Request to advertise, receive, and open bids for construction of covered outdoor classrooms;
6. 16th Section
6.A. 16th Section Report
6.B. Right of Way easement for Lease # 400430
Request approval for a right of way easement for power to Lease # 400430;
6.C. New Residential Lease # 400479
Request approval for a new 25-year residential 1.7-acre lease # 400479 in the name of Jason Holland on Creel Road;
6.D. Right of Way for power for Lease # 400479
Request approval for a right of way easement for power to lease # 400479;
6.E. Renewal of Lease # 401403
Request approval to renewal a 5.0 acre, 25-year residential lease # 401403 in the name of Victor and Katrina Thomas
6.F. Lease # 401409
Request approval of the renewal of a 25-year Other Lease # 401409 in the name of the Forrest County Board of Supervisors;
7. Financial
7.A. District and Foundation Financials
Request approval of the October 31, 2021, Financials for District and Foundation;
7.B. Bank Balances
Approve bank balances for October 31, 2021, for District and Foundation;
7.C. Budget Amendments for October
Request approval for the budget amendments for October 1, 2021 through October 31, 2021;
7.D. Budget Amendments
Request approval for a budget amendment for Title I and Title II;
8. Miscellaneous
8.A. Minutes
Approve November 8, 2021, Minutes for Board and Foundation;
8.B. Acceptance of Student(s) for Entire Term of Employment of Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
Request approval of the new Acceptance of Student(s) for Entire Term of Employment of Parent(s)/Guardians(s) form;
8.C. Board Policies
Request approval of 3 new Board policies and 16 revised policies that went for review November 8, 2021;
8.D. Disciplinary Review # 20211213-01
Request to uphold the decision of the Forrest County Disciplinary Review Committee for Student ID# 20211213-01;
8.E. Disciplinary Review # 20211213-02
Request to uphold the decision of the Forrest County Disciplinary Review Committee for Student ID# 20211213-02;
8.F. Disciplinary Review Student ID# 20211213-03
Request approval to uphold the decision of the Forrest County School District Disciplinary Committee for Student ID# 20211213-03;
9. Public Participation
9.A. Ms. Sonyetta Clark
10. Consider Executive Session
11. Enter Executive Session
12. Leave Executive Session
13. Adjourn
14.A. Monthly Workshop Compilation
14.B. Accreditation Status