January 22, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
A. Call to Order
The Board President or his/her designee will call the meeting to order.
B. Roll Call
The Board President or his/her designee will call the roll of members.
C. Student Led Pledge of Allegiance
Students representing Smithville Elementary will lead the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Those students are:
1st Grade: Logan Altman, Edilberto Olalde, Keaton Lawhon 2nd Grade: Julian Juarez, Jael Albiter Govea, Reese Bitzkie 3rd Grade: Preston Behrens, Bailey Goertz, Beau Hudspeth 4th Grade: Cameron Gaither, Zander Nance, Joseelyn Perez Jaimes 5th Grade: Mavis Guillory-Whitehead, Daje Lewis, Lyla Loera |
D. Board Recognitions
D.1. Character Education Speakers
Student guest speakers will be present at each board meeting to read a short essay on the Character Trait of the Month.
This month the Board will hear from Zyvannah Reed, a fourth grader in Ms. Cox's class, and Zelda Perez, a second grader in Ms. Hunsucker's class, about the character trait "Confidence". |
D.2. Recognition of Outstanding Students for the Nine-Weeks
Each nine-weeks the middle school and high school faculties select an outstanding student from their respective campus. Students are rated on a scale of 1 to 10 on such criteria as grades, honesty, enthusiasm, cooperation with teachers and their peers, class participation and leadership. Emily Stark and Jackson Bryant have been chosen as outstanding students for the second nine-weeks from Smithville Junior High. Emily is in 8th grade and is the daughter of Shayne Strange and Johnny Stark, Jr. Jackson is a 6th grader and is the son Becky Bryant and Jason Bryant. |
D.3. Tiger Award Recipient Recognition
Tiger Award recipients are nominated by peers. Each campus and department will nominate a representative. Final nominations will be voted on by a select committee. Each campus and department will have an award winner that will be recognized at the board meeting every 9-weeks.
Tiger Award winners: Brown Primary - Ashley Cooper (Teacher) Smithville Elementary - Becky Bryant (Paraprofessional) Smithville Junior High - Jennifer Peterson (Librarian) Smithville High School - Brenda Ricketts (Assistant Principal) ISD - Denis McGinness (Technology) |
E. Public Hearing - Texas Academic Performance Report
Texas Education Code 39 requires every school district’s Board of Trustees to: (a) publish an annual report describing the district’s educational performance on the TAPR or Texas Academic Performance Report indicators (and include the campus performance objectives); (b) hold a hearing for public discussion of the report; and (c) widely disseminate the report within the district.
The district staff has prepared and published the 2022-2023 Texas Academic Performance Report, and it will be reported in the public hearing. A copy of the report has been provided to each board member, and copies of the report will be placed in libraries in the district, the city library, the chamber of commerce and the city hall. The report will also be placed on the district website.
F. Public Communications
Citizens wishing to address the Board of Trustees have so indicated by listing their name on the Communications from the Public sign-in sheet located on the table at the entrance to the boardroom if the meeting is done in person, or at the link provided on the published board agenda if conducted remotely. Those signing have given a brief indication of the topics to be addressed.
Comments to the Board of Trustees under this provision will be limited to three minutes. The members of the Board of Trustees will listen to citizen presentations during this portion of a regularly scheduled meeting, but they will not comment or participate in a discussion of the topic. |
G. Consent Agenda
Board members routinely approve items on the consent agenda as a group. These are routine agenda items. Board members have the option to ask questions regarding any of the items listed under "consent agenda".
G.1. Minutes
State law requires that a record be kept in the form of official minutes on each meeting held by a governmental body and that these minutes be approved at the next regular meeting.
Attached are the minutes from the December 11, 2023 regular board meeting and the January 8, 2024 special board meeting.
G.2. Financial Statements
Monthly reporting of financial position in relation to the budget. The Board is provided monthly financial statements.
G.3. Investment Report
Meet legal reporting requirements for investments.
In order the meet legal reporting requirements for investments, the Board receives quarterly reports on District investments.
G.4. State Aid Comparison - Budgeted vs. Earned
The Board has requested a monthly status report of earned state aid in relation to the budget.
G.5. Earned vs. TEA Payments
The Board has requested a monthly status report of earned state aid in relation to the budget.
G.6. Tax Collection Report
Attached is the Tax Assessor-Collector's Report.
G.7. Bond Payments Resolution
First National Bank and LoneStar Investment Pool, depositories for Smithville ISD, require that the Board pass a resolution each time we wire transfer our bond payment.
Attached is a resolution for the Board’s approval.
H. Information Items
H.1. Financial Report
The Chief Financial Officer, Jean Ann McCarthy, will review the financial disbursements for the previous month with the Board of Trustees. No action is required.
H.2. Superintendent's Report
The Superintendent will update the Board on important issues pertaining to the District.
* The calendar survey has been issued * The campus site-based committees are meeting * The district site-based committee will meet on February 5th to review and decide on a draft to submit to the Board
H.3. SISD Instructional/Curriculum Program Highlight - CTE Video
The Board will be presented with curriculum and program area highlights on a regular basis. The purpose of each presentation is to keep the Board informed of the academic progress within the district and on campuses.
H.4. Review of District and Campus Improvement Plans Status Reports
A format has been designed for an end of the year status report, which allows the Board to monitor the implementation of the District and Campus Improvement Plan. District and campus site-based committees have reviewed the progress of the implementation of each plan and staff members have prepared the status reports for the respective improvement plans. The principal, staff, and site base committee are responsible for evaluating each improvement plan. Dr. Bethany Logan, Director of Curriculum, will review the status of the District Improvement Plan and each campus principal will review the Campus Improvement Plan status.
H.5. Tentative February Agenda Items
Tentative items to be included on the February agenda are:
Tentative items to be included on the February agenda are: a. Financial Report b. Superintendent’s Report c. Curriculum Highlight d. School Safety and Security Report e. Review and Approve 2024-2025 District Calendar f. Personnel g. Administrative Contract Review/Renewal |
I. Action Items
I.1. Consider Approval of Audit Engagement Letter
In accordance with Texas Education Agency requirements and law the district is required to have an annual financial audit performed. In 2021, the Board of Trustees voted to approve the firm of Armstrong, Vaughan & Associates, PC. The Board voted to renew the contract in January 2023, and the recommendation is approval once again for the 2023-2024 school year.
I.2. Consider Resolution Regarding Senate Bill 763 - School Chaplains
Senate Bill 763, enacted in September 2023, allows school officials to hire unlicensed chaplains, either as staff members or volunteers.
As per Board Policy DP (Legal), a district may employ or accept as a volunteer a chaplain to provide support, services, and programs for students as assigned by the board. A chaplain employed or volunteering is not required to be certified by SBEC. A district that employs or accepts as a volunteer a chaplain shall ensure that the chaplain complies with the applicable requirements under Education Code Chapter 22, Subchapter C, before the chaplain begins employment or volunteering at the district. A district may not employ or accept as a volunteer a chaplain who has been convicted of or placed on deferred adjudication community supervision for an offense for which a defendant is required to register as a sex offender under Code of Criminal Procedure Chapter 62.
I.3. Consider Approval of Membership and Participation in the Region 10 ESC Multi-Region Purchasing Cooperative for School Year 2024-2025
The Region 10 Multi-Region Purchasing Cooperative organizes and administers the child nutrition cooperative purchasing and commodity processing program for RA's located in the state of Texas. Authority for such service is granted by Section 8.053 of the Texas Education Code, Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code, and Chapter 271, Subchapter F, of the Texas Local Government Code. The goal of the cooperative is to obtain substantial savings on food service items through volume purchasing. There is no fee to join.
I.4. Order of Board of Trustees Election for May 4, 2024
State statute requires that annually each governing body call for an election to be held in accordance with existing election law. The Smithville Independent School District Board of Trustees, being a governing body and electing representatives by place, must call for the election.
The Smithville Independent School District Board of Trustees has established the first Saturday in May as its regular election date. This year, the election falls on Saturday, May 4, 2024. Two places are up for election. They are: Place 3 - Nancy Towry Place 4 - Alan Hemphill An election calendar is attached for member information, as well the actual Order of Election.
I.5. Consider Approval of Election Services Contract with Bastrop County
As of January 2006, Smithville ISD has been contracting election services with the County of Bastrop. Since that time, the Bastrop County Elections Administrator has overseen all elections ordered by the school district for a 10% administrative fee. The total cost of the May election for Smithville ISD including supplies, polling place personnel, administrative fee, etc. is estimated at $9,146.07. The district would like to continue to contract elections services from Bastrop County.
According to Chapter 271 of the Election Code, school districts are required to hold their elections jointly with the municipality located within the district. Bastrop County conducts countywide voting services, which allows all municipalities in the county to conduct a joint election, and will satisfy the Chapter 271 requirement.
I.6. Consider Approval of Election Services Contract with Fayette County
As of January 2006, Smithville ISD has been contracting election services with the County of Bastrop. Since that time, the Bastrop County Elections Administrator has overseen all elections ordered by the school district and will continue to do so for voters who reside within the county. However, Bastrop County Elections has taken action to approve a county-wide polling program, which means that any voter of any jurisdiction located in Bastrop County is allowed to cast a vote in any polling place in that county.
Currently, Smithville ISD has 169 voters who reside in Fayette County. Fayette County Elections has kindly agreed to contract services for SISD constituents who reside in Fayette County for an estimated $750 plus cost of election officials. The proposed contract is included in the board packet for approval.
J. Personnel
J.1. Superintendent's Annual Evaluation
Board Policy BJCD [Local] requires an annual evaluation of the superintendent. The Board received a self-evaluation of the superintendent at the December meeting. Board operating procedures call for the Board to complete the evaluation document and deliver the evaluation to the superintendent in closed session.
J.2. Superintendent's Employment Contract Renewal
The superintendent is currently in the first year of a three-year contract continuing through June 30, 2026. According to state law, the Board employs a superintendent by contract to serve the school district for a term not to exceed five years. The superintendent’s current annual salary is $151,430. Board members will discuss the contract in closed session but official action may only take place in open session of the board meeting
J.3. Closed Session Disclaimer - During the course of the meeting, the Board of Trustees may conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapter D and E. Decisions may be made as a result of executive session.