February 27, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Establishment of Quorum
5. Approval of Agenda
6. Introduction of Guests
7. Public Comments
8. Consent Agenda
8.a. Minutes of the January 30, 2017, Board of Education Meeting
8.b. Minutes of the February 13, 2017, Finance Facilities Committee of the Whole Meeting
8.c. School Activity Accounts Ending January 31, 2017
8.d. Transportation Account Ending January 31, 2017
8.e. Bills
8.f. Treasurer's Report Ending January 31, 2017
9. Presentation(s) from the Floor
9.a. Right At School Update - Dr. Gildea, Representatives from Right At School
10. Superintendent/Board Reports
10.a. Superintendent's Report - Dr. Gildea
10.b. Finance.Facilities Committee of the Whole - Jason Bonds, Chair
10.c. Policy and Communications Committee, Gabriela Whipple, Chair
10.d. Handbook Committee - Gabriela Whipple, Board Representative
10.e. Insurance Committee - Rich Hentschel, Board Representative
10.f. Wellness Committee - Mark Ponce, Board Representative
10.g. Fremont Education Foundation - Mark Ponce, Board Representative
10.h. PTO
11. Monthly Financial Report - Mr. Tanner
Updated cash flow projections for the three operating funds, education, operations and maintenance, and transportation, through January 31, 2017, will be presented. A performance report on district investments, real estate tax collections, and impact fee collections for January will be reviewed. |
12. Unfinished Business
12.a. Recommendation to Approve Proposed School Year Calendars for 17-18, 18-19, and 19-20 - Dr. Gildea
Recommended school year calendars for 17-18, 18-19, and 19-20 will be presented for board approval. The calendars were developed with input from the Fremont Education Association. |
13. New Business
13.a. Spring and Summer Work Projects - Mr. Tanner
13.a.1. MS Fire Panel and PA System Replacement - Mr. Tanner
As part of the continual effort to upgrade district systems, administration is recommending the replacement of both the fire panel and public address systems at the middle school. All costs of this project will be met within the board's previously approved five-year annual capital outlay plan. At tonight's meeting, administration will seek board approval to continue the planning process for replacing the middle school fire panel at a cost of up to $21,500. Also, Mr. Tanner will present and review the administration's recommendation for upgrading the middle school's public address and emergency system at a cost of $31,848. The system is 24 years old and has become obsolete. |
13.a.2. Renovation of the Middle School 1957 Sixth Grade Wing - Mr. Tanner
The administration will seek board approval to continue with the planning process for renovation of the 1957 sixth grade classroom wing of the middle school at a cost of up to $50,000. |
13.a.3. Recommendation to Continue the Planning Phase of Middle School Restroom Renovation and Intermediate School Personal Learning Space Project - Mr. Tanner
Administration will seek board approval to continue with the planning phase for middle school restroom renovation and intermediate school personal learning space at a cost of up to $40,000 It is expected that the board will vote on approval at tonight's meeting. |
13.b. Recommendation to Leave Student Fees Unchanged for the 2017-2018 School Year
Mr. Tanner noted that Fremont's student fees are inline with area districts and are able to meet costs. He presented the administration's recommendation to leave student fees unchanged for the 2017-2018 school year. It is expected that the board will vote on approval of the recommendation. |
13.c. Resolution to Transfer Funds from the Working Cash Fund to the Capital Projects Fund - Mr. Tanner
Mr. Tanner will present and review he administration's recommendation to approve a resolution to transfer $1m from the Working Cash Fund to the Capital Projects Fund. It is expected that the board of education will vote on approval at tonight's meeting. |
13.d. Recommendation to Adjust Impact Fees - Mr. Tanner
Mr. Tanner will present the administration's recommendation to adjust impact fees for the FY18 school year. Impact fees are adjusted in alignment with the increase in the ENR Construction Cost Index. The construction cost index has increased by 3.9 percent. |
13.e. Presentation of Bus/Lease Purchase - Mr. Tanner
Administration's recommendation to purchase two large buses for $189,472 including trade-in of $18,000 and lease two small wheelchair buses for $14,400 annually. Keeping the bus fleet current is part of the board's five-year capital outlay plan. This recommendation is based on a bid opening that was held on January 31, 2017, with selection of the lowest creditable bids. It is expected that the board will vote on approval at tonight's meeting. |
14. Action from Closed Session
No action is forthcoming from Closed Session. |
15. Personnel - Dr. Gildea
Personnel items recommended by the administration will be presented.
16. Information Items
16.a. Correspondence
16.b. Calendar
17. Public Comments
18. Announcements
19. Adjournment