December 12, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Establishment of Quorum
5. Approval of Agenda
6. Introduction of Guests
7. Public Comments
8. Consent Agenda
8.a. Minutes of the November 28, 2016, Board of Education and Closed Session Meetings
8.b. School Activity Accounts
8.c. Transportation Activity Account
8.d. Bills
8.e. December 2016 Treasurer's Report
9. Presentations From the Floor
10. Superintendent/Board Reports
10.a. Superintendent's Report - Dr. Gildea
10.b. Finance/Facilities Committee - Jason Bonds, Chair
10.c. Policy and Communications Committee
10.d. Insurance Committee - Rich Hentschel, Board Representative
10.e. Handbook Committee - Gabriela Whipple, Board Representative
10.f. PTO Report
10.g. Fremont Education Foundation - Mark Ponce, Board Representative
10.h. SEDOL Governing Board Report, Jeff Luckett, Board Representative
11. Monthly Financial Report - Mr. Tanner
Updated cash flow projections for the three operating funds, education, operations and maintenance, and transportation through October 31, 2016, will be presented. A performance report on district investments real estate tax collections and impact fee collections for November be reviewed. |
12. Unfinished Business
12.a. Adoption of the 2016 Tax Levy - Mr. Tanner
At the October 26, 2016, Board of Education Monthly meeting, the board reviewed and approved the 2016 estimated levy. With all legal requirements for public viewing of the levy having been met, it is expected that the board will vote on adoption of the 2016 estimated Tax Levy at tonight's meeting. |
12.b. Presentation of New and Revised Policies, PRESS 93, October 2016,for a Second Reading Dr. Gildea
Board of Education - #2:120 Board Member Development; #2:125 Board Member Compensation; Expenses; #2:125–E1 Board Member Expense Reimbursement Form; #2:125-E2 Board Member Estimated Expense Approval Form; #2:125-E3 Resolution to Regulate Expense Reimbursements; Board of Education #2:200 -Types of Board of Education Meetings; #2:220 Board of Education Meeting Procedure; Operational Services #4:60 Purchases and Contracts; #4:110-Transportation; #4:175 – Convicted Child Sex Offender: Screening and Notifications;General Personnel #5:10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment; #5:60 Expenses; #5:60–E1-Employee Expense Reimbursement Form; #5:60–E2 Exhibit – Exhibit Employee Estimated Expense Approval Form; #5:100 Staff Development Program; #5:125 Personal Technology and Social Media: Usage and Conduct; #5:185 Family and Medical Leave; Professional Personnel #5:190 Teacher Qualifications; #5:250 Leaves of Absence; #5:260 Student Teachers; Educational Support Personnel #5:280 Duties and Qualifications; Educational Support Personnel #5:330 Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves; Instruction #6:15 School Accountability; #6:50 School Wellness; #6:60 Curriculum Content; #6:145 Migrant Students; #6:160 English Learners; #6:170 Title I Programs; #6:340 Student Testing and Assessment Program; Students #7:50 School Admissions and Student Transfers to and From Non-District Schools; #7:60 Residence; #7:70 Attendance and Truancy; #7:250 Student Support Services; #7:260 Exemption from Physical Education; Students #7:305 Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries; #7:310 Restrictions on Publications: Elementary Schools; Community Relations #8:70 Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities Policies have been reviewed by the board's Committee of the Whole. |
13. New Business
14. Personnel - Dr. Gildea
Personnel items will be presented and recommended for board approval:
15. Information Items
15.a. Anti Bullying Program - Ms. Motsenburger and Mrs. Haack
Ms. Motsenburger and Mrs. Haack will review a study the instructional administrative team has been conducting on bullying and its prevention. |
15.b. Correspondence - Dr. Gildea
15.b.1. FOIA
15.b.1.1) ProCure -FOIA regarding invoice records since August 23, 2016
15.c. Calendar
16. Public Comments
17. Announcements
18. Adjournment