December 11, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance
2. Recognition of Guests, Public Participation, Notices, and Communications (Limited to 20 minutes)
3. Committee Reports
3.a. Building and Grounds
3.b. Finance
3.c. Personnel
4. Superintendent Report
5. Discussion Items
5.a. School Resource Officer (SRO) Contract, Job Description, and Scheduling of Personnel Meeting. Second Reading January 22, 2024.
5.b. GRFHS Dress Code- Mr. Kevin Thomas
6. Consent Agenda: Consent agenda items will be considered without discussion, unless a Board Member asks to have items removed for discussion prior to action.
6.a. Minutes of all recent regular and special meetings of the Board of Education, and
any meetings of committees of the Board |
6.b. Approve: Early Graduates
6.b.1. Ms. Claire Renaker - Contingent on Successfully Completing Semester Coursework
6.b.2. Ms. Annalese Rodriguez - Contingent upon Successfully Completing Semester Coursework
7. Human Resources: Employments, Employment Changes, Leaves of Absence, Resignations, Retirements, Extracurricular Assignments/Changes
7.a. Approve: Ten Week Maternity Leave in the Spring of 2024 - Ms. Taylor Barrett
7.b. Accept: Resignation of MMJH Girls Head Basketball Coach - Mr. James Harris
8. District Financials
8.a. Action: November District Receipts and Accounts Payable
8.b. Action: November 2023 Food Service Financials
9. First Reading- Policy Updates
9.a. 2:150- Committees
9.b. 4:40 - Incurring Debt
9.c. 5:250 - Leaves of Absence
9.d. 5:285 - Educational Support Personnel-Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Drivers
9.e. 5:330 - Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves
9.f. 6:130 - Program for the Gifted
9.g. 6:135 - Accelerated Placement Program
9.h. 6:210 - Instructional Materials
9.i. 8:70 - Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities
10. Approve: Second Reading of Policy
10.a. 2:80 - Board Member Oath and Conduct
10.b. 2:170 - Procurement of Architectural, Engineering, and Land Surveying Services
10.c. 2:20 School Board Meeting Procedures
10.d. 4:45 - Insufficient Fund Checks and Debt Recovery
10.e. 4:100 - Insurance Management
10.f. 5:230 - Maintaining Student Discipline
10.g. 6:10 - Educational Philosophy and Objectives
10.h. 6:190 - Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities
10.i. 6:240 - Field Trips
10.j. 7:275 - Orders to Forgo Life-Sustaining Treatment
10.k. 7:305 - Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries
10.l. 7:330 - Student Use of Buildings-Equal Access
10.m. 8:25 - Advertising and Distributing Materials in Schools Provided by Non-School Related Entities
10.n. 8:95 - Parental Involvement
10.o. 2:20 - Powers and Duties of the School board; Indemnification
10.p. 2:110 - Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers
10.q. 2:120 - Board Member Development
10.r. 2:200 - Types of School Board Meetings
10.s. 3:50 - Administrative Personnel Other than the Superintendent
10.t. 4:10 - Fiscal and Business Management
10.u. 4:30 - Revenue and Investments
10.v. 4:60 - Purchases and Contracts
10.w. 4:90 - Student Activity and Fiduciary Funds
10.x. 4:130 - Free and Reduced-Price Food Services
10.y. 4:160 - Environmental Quality of Buildings and Grounds
10.z. 4:170 - Safety
10.aa. 5:30 - Hiring Process and Criteria
10.ab. 5:50 - Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace; E-Cigarette, Tobacco, and Cannabis Prohibition
| 5:90 - Abused and Neglected Child Reporting
| 5:120 - Employee Ethics; Code of Professional Conduct; and Conflict of Interest
| 5:150 - Personnel Records
| 5:190 - Teacher Qualifications
| 5:200 - Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal
10.ah. 5:210 - Resignations
| 5:220 - Substitute Teachers
10.aj. 6:15 - School Accountability
10.ak. 6:20 - School Year Calendar and Day
| 6:30 - Organization of Instruction
| 6:50 - School Wellness
| 6:60 - Curriculum Content
| 6:65 - Student Social and Emotional Development
10.ap. 6:230 - Library Media Program
| 6:270 - Guidance and Counseling Program
| 6:280 - Grading and Promotion
| 7:50 - School Admissions and Student Transfers to and from Non-District Schools
| 7:60 - Residence
| 7:70 - Attendance and Truancy
10.av. 7:160 - Student Appearance
| 7:165 - School Uniforms
| 7:190 - Student Behavior
10.ay. 7:250 - Student Support Services
| 7:270 - Administering Medicines to Students
| 7:285 - Anaphylaxis Prevention
| 7:290 - Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention
10.bc. 7:345 - Use of Educational Technologies; Student Data Privacy and Security
| 8:30 - Visitors to and Conduct on School Property
11. Adjournment to Closed Meeting for Personnel
Pursuant to IL Open Meetings Act: 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1): The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the district to determine its validity. |
12. Adjourn
13. 2:150- Committees
14. 4:40 - Incurring Debt
15. 5:250 - Leaves of Absence
16. 5:285 - Educational Support Personnel-Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Drivers
17. 5:330 - Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves
18. 6:130 - Program for the Gifted
19. 6:135 - Accelerated Placement Program
20. 6:210 - Instructional Materials
21. 8:70 - Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities
22. First Reading- Policy Updates
22.a. 2:150- Committees
22.b. 4:40 - Incurring Debt
22.c. 5:250 - Leaves of Absence
22.d. 5:285 - Educational Support Personnel-Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Drivers
22.e. 5:330 - Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves
22.f. 6:130 - Program for the Gifted
22.g. 6:135 - Accelerated Placement Program
22.h. 6:210 - Instructional Materials
22.i. 8:70 - Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities