April 26, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Public Session (Limited to 15 minutes)
4. Superintendent Report
4.a. District Goal Update
4.b. District News
4.b.1. Vermilion County Regional Office of Education - Golden Ruler Recipients 2019 & 2020
4.b.2. Eastern Illinois Foodbank- School Pantry
5. Administrator Reports
5.a. Curriculum Coordinator and Technology Report- Mrs. Lisa Cramer and Mr. Eisenbarth
5.b. Student Services Coordinator- Dr. Catherine Eads
5.c. GRHS Principal Report- Mr. Kevin Thomas
5.d. MMJH Principal Report- Mr. John Tosh
5.e. Pine Crest Elementary Principal Report- Mrs. Ashley Vaughn
6. Consent Agenda: Consent agenda items will be considered without discussion, unless a Board Member asks to have items removed for discussion prior to action.
6.a. Minutes of all recent regular and special meetings of the Board of Education, and any meetings of committees of the Board
6.b. School Activities Report
6.c. 2021-2022 IHSA Membership Renewal
6.d. Approve: Selling surplus Technology (i.e., Promethian Boards, Computers etc.) and MMJH Swing Set
7. Approve: Acknowledgement of the April 6, 2021 Election Results/Canvassing of Election Results
8. Honoring Board President Service- Mr. Mike Gragert
9. Adjournment Sine Die
10. Appointment of Superintendent as President Pro-Tempore
11. Administration of Oath of Office and Election of Officers
11.a. Election of President
11.b. Election of Vice-President
11.c. Election of Secretary
12. Approve: Financials
12.a. Food Service
12.b. District Financials
13. Human Resources
13.a. Approve: HS Girls Track Coach- Ms. Megan McKee
13.b. Approve: STEP Employment- Kitchen Dishwasher- Mr. Quentin Stultz
14. Business Items
14.a. Approve: Financial Institution (Longview Bank and Trust)
14.b. District Treasurer- Mrs. Sherry Redmond
14.c. Approve: Auditors (Russ Leigh and Associates)
14.d. Approve: Board Recording Secretary- Mrs. Darla Attutis
14.e. Establish Date, Time and Plae of Regular Monthly Meetings- 4th Monday of the Month, 6:00 p.m., GRHS Media Center
15. Adjourn