May 16, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order of Regular Board meeting at 6:00 p.m.
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance: Maple Elementary students
Emily Bork, Maple Assistant Principal
4. Approval of Agenda
5. The Mission of the Harlem Consolidated School District, as a vital part of the community, is to help diverse learners realize their unlimited potential by providing an educational program dedicated to academic excellence and the development of strong character in a safe and respectful learning environment.
Dr. Terrell Yarbrough, Superintendent
6. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes: Regular & Closed minutes of April 25, 2022
7. Awards and Recognitions
Jason Blume, Director of Equity & Community Engagement
8. Comments from the Community
9. Approval of Bills
9.A. Payables Summary
9.B. Voided Checks
9.C. Payroll Voucher(s)
9.D. Accounts Payable Warrants
10. Communications and Committee Reports
10.A. Michael Sterling, President
10.A.1. Next Regular Board Meeting: June 13, 2022 @ 6:00 p.m.
10.A.2. Recommendation to approve 2022-2023 Board & Committee Meeting Calendar
10.A.3. Recommendation to rescind the Motion made at the 4-25-22 Board meeting as to the Subcommittee Recommendation and for more discussion.
Consensus to rescind the 4-25-22 Motion to approve Subcommittee Recommendation under Action Item 11 (D) (1) Consensus: Recommendation to approve the removal or retention of the challenged books in the High School Library on a book by book basis under Action Item 13(D) as follows: "Lawn Boy: a Novel", Monday's Not Coming: A Novel", Gender Queer, a Memoir", Beyond Magenta: "Transgender Teens Speak Out", "The Bluest Eye", "Out of Darkness" , "I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter", "The Opposite of Innocent" Consensus:
10.B. Jill Berogan, Vice President
10.B.1. Next Policy Committee Meeting: June 20, 2022 @ 6:00 p.m.
10.B.2. Recommendation to approve First Readings of Policy Updates from April 20, 2022 Policy Committee Meeting
10.C. Evelyn Meeks, Secretary
10.C.1. Next Equity & Social Justice Meeting: May 19, 2022 @ 4:30 p.m.
10.D. Kurt Thompson, Board member
10.D.1. Next Business Services Committee meeting: June 8, 2022 @ 6:00 p.m.
10.E. Larry D. Smith, Board member
10.E.1. Next Education Committee meeting: June 21, 2022 @ 6:00 p.m.
10.F. Sue Berogan, Board member
10.G. Sharon Ranieri, Board Member
11. Administrative Reports
11.A. Dr. Michelle Erb, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
11.A.1. Recommendation to approve Student Travel Requests:
11.A.2. Recommendation to approve Memorandum of Understanding between Harlem Board of Education and Rock Valley College for the Linking Talent with Opportunity Program (LTO) Dual Credit
11.A.3. Presentation of the District Consolidated Plan
11.A.4. Presentation of Discipline Matrix and Conduct Code "vaping" addition
11.B. Josh Aurand, Chief School Business Official
11.B.1. Recommendation to approve Resolution Declaring Surplus Property:
11.B.2. Recommendation to approve Facility Requests:
11.B.3. Recommendation to accept March 2022 Treasurer's Report
11.B.4. Recommendation to approve quote for renewal of Non-Member Treasurer's Bond for FY23 with a limit of $15,500,000 at a cost of $11.935
11.B.5. Recommendation to approve an Independent Contractor Agreement with Speech Horizons, Inc. to provide private and parochial speech and language services for $100 per hour for 37 weeks at 24 hours per week for the FY 23 school year at a total cost of $88,800, funded by the IDEA Grant and Pre-K IDEA Grant
11.B.6. Recommendation to approve a contract renewal with Northwestern Illinois Association (NIA) for Needs Assessment at a cost of $575,508 for the FY23 school year, funded by the IDEA Grant
11.B.7. Recommendation to approve a contract renewal with Brecht's Database Solutions, Inc. for Embrace IEP and 504 platforms and website access for $17,132 for the FY23 school year funded by the IDEA grants
11.B.8. Recommendation to approve a contract renewal with Sunbelt Staffing, VocoVision for two (2) for school psychologist services at a minimum of 37.5 hours per week for 38 weeks at a total cost of $293,678.25 for the FY23 school year, funded by the IDEA Grant
11.B.9. Recommendation to approve an agreement with Fastbridge-Illuminate Education for a one (1) year subscription at a cost of $4,800 funded by IDEA Grant
11.B.10. Recommendation to renew an agreement with Edgenuity for three (3) years at a total cost of $99,490
11.B.11. Recommendation to approve an agreement with Regional Office of Education for Administrator Academy training for an amount not to exceed $5,805
11.B.12. Recommendation to approve an agreement for Professional Development with Wisconsin Center for Education Products & Services for a cost of $4,500 funded by Title III
11.B.13. Recommendation to award bid for garbage collection
11.C. Dr. Shelley Wagner, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
11.C.1. Recommendation to approve Personnel Agenda & Addendum
11.C.2. Informational only: Resignations
11.D. Dr. Terrell Yarbrough, Superintendent
11.D.1. Recommendation to appoint Cathy Finley,as Due Process Hearing Officer and Dan Phelps and Dave Lombardo as District Due Alternate Process Hearing Officers
11.D.2. Freedom of Information Act Request original received form Illinois Policy on 4-27-22 regarding full and part-time professional staff and the District's response on 5-10-22
12. Consent Agenda
12.A. Approve Personnel Agenda & Addendum
12.B. Approve Student Travel Request(s)
12.C. Approve Facility Request(s)
13.A. Approve 2022-2023 Board & Committee Meetings Schedule
13.B. Approve Resolution Declaring Surplus Property
13.C. Motion to approve rescission of the Motion made at the 4-25-22 Board meeting as to the Subcommittee Recommendation.
13.D. Motion to approve the removal or retention of the challenged books in the High School Library on a book by book basis, as follows: "Lawn Boy: a Novel", Monday's Not Coming: A Novel", Gender Queer, a Memoir", Beyond Magenta: "Transgender Teens Speak Out", "The Bluest Eye", "Out of Darkness" , "I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter", "The Opposite of Innocent"
13.E. Approve First Readings of Policy Update Recommendations from April 20, 2022 Policy Committee
13.F. Approve Memorandum of Understanding between Harlem Board of Education and Rock Valley College for the Linking Talent with Opportunity Program (LTO) Dual Credit
13.G. Approve acceptance of March 2022 Treasurer's Report
13.H. Approve quote for renewal of Non Member Treasurer's Bond for FY23 with a limit of $15,500,000 at a cost of $11,935
13.I. Approve an Independent Contractor Agreement with Speech Horizons, Inc. to provide private and parochial speech and language services for $100 per hour for 37 weeks at 24 hours per week for the FY23 school year at a total cost of $88,800, funded by the IDEA Grant and Pre-K IDEA Grant
13.J. Approve a contract renewal with Northwestern Illinois Association (NIA) for Needs Assessment at a cost of $575,508 for the FY23 school yard, funded by the IDEA Grant
13.K. Approve a contract renewal with Brecht's Database Solutions, Inc. for Embrace IEP and 504 platforms and website access for $17,132 for the FY23 school year funded by the IDEA grants
13.L. Approve a contract renewal with Sunbelt Staffing, VocoVision for two (2) school psychologist services at a minimum of 37.5 hours per week for 38 weeks at a total cost of $293,678.25 for the FY23 school year, funded by the IDEA Grant
13.M. Approve an agreement with Fastbridge-Illuminate Education for a one (1) year subscription at a cost of $4,800 funded by IDEA Grant
13.N. Approve renewal of an agreement with Edgenuity for three (3) years at a total cost of $99,490
13.O. Approve Agreement with Regional Office of Education for Administrator Academy training for an amount not to exceed $5,805
13.P. Approve agreement for Professional Development with Wisconsin Center for Education Products & Services for a cost of $4,500 funded by Title III
13.Q. Approve award bid for garbage collection
13.R. Approve appointment of Cathy Finley, Dan Phelps and Dave Lombardo as District Due Process Hearing Officers
14. Announcements and Discussion:
15. Executive Session to discuss Employment of Personnel (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1), Negotiations (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2), Selection of a Person to Fill a Public Office ( 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(3), Pending Litigation (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11), Student Discipline (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(9), Placement of Individual Students in Special Education Programs and Other Matters Relating to Individual Students (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(10), Purchase or Lease of Real Property for the Use of the District (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5), Setting of a Price for Sale or Lease of Property Owned by the District (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(6), Self-Evaluation, Practices and Procedures or Professional Ethics (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(16), Sale or Purchase of Securities, Investments or Investment Contracts (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(7), Security Procedures (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(8), Establishment of Reserves or Settlement of Claims as provided in Local Government and Governmental Employees Tort Immunity Act (5 ILCS 120/2(c)12), and Discussion of Lawfully Closed Meeting Minutes (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21).
16.A. Consideration and Approval of Student Discipline #2021-2022-6
16.B. Consideration and Approval of Student Discipline #2021-2022-7
16.C. Consideration and approval of Employee Discipline # 2021-2022-5
17. Adjournment