October 2, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Business Services Committee
Agenda |
1. Call To Order
2. Roll Call ( Committee Members & Other Attendees)
3. Approval of the Agenda
4. Approval of September 9, 2019, Business Services Committee Meeting Minutes
5. Comments from the Community
6. Proposed Board Consent/Action Items for the October 7, 2019 Board Meeting
6.A. Recommendation to approve an agreement with Slam Dunk Sports Marketing for a new scoreboard in the high school gym
6.B. Recommendation to approve an agreement with Susan Hentz & Associates to provide professional development and coaching services for a total of $8,000
6.C. Recommendation to approve the estimated annual 2019 Tax Levy
6.D. Recommendation to approve an agreement with the YMCA for the use of certain District facilities for Kids’ Time before and after school child care
7. Committee Consensus Items
8. Informational Items
8.A. Contracts under $2,500
8.B. Other
8.C. Next Business Services Meeting Date: November 6, 2019, at 6:00 p.m.
9. Adjournment