September 15, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
The meeting will now come to order. Roll call please.
Tonight's meeting is being recorded via Zoom. |
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Please rise and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Consideration to Approve: Agenda
Our first item of business is to approve the agenda for tonight's meeting. Are there any comments or changes from board members? If there are no comments, may I have a motion to approve?
Can I have a second? Roll call please. Motion carries.
4. Board Recognition
Tonight we will be recognizing staff accolades. We will begin with recognition of our tenured teachers with Mr. Jeff Knapp. Jeff?
The next group of teachers to be recognized are those who have achieved milestones in instructional technology with Mr. Adam Sax. Adam? Thank you for attending the meeting tonight!
4.A. Staff Accolades
4.A.1. Tenured Teachers
4.A.2. Instructional Technology Certified Teachers
5. Superintendent’s Report
We will now move on to the Superintendent's Report. Dr. Hubbard?
6. Public Participation
At this time, we would like to open the meeting to public participation. If there is anyone who would like to address the Board, please indicate so by using the raise your hand feature.
IF YES: For those wishing to address the Board, we request that once you are unmuted you sign in by stating your first and last name before you begin speaking. As a courtesy, we ask that you please limit comments to 5 minutes. Please note that the Board typically does not respond to comments during the meeting. Administration will provide a follow up response within the next few days if possible. Dr. Hubbard, will you please unmute our first speaker? IF NO: Please let the record show that no one addressed the Board. |
7. Information/Discussion Items
7.A. Memorandum of Understanding Updates
Our first Information/Discussion Item is a Memorandum of Understanding Update provided by Jeff Knapp and Dr. Hubbard.
7.B. FY21 Administrator and Teacher Salary & Benefits Report
The next Information/Discussion Item is the FY21 Administrator and Teacher Salary & Benefits Report with Maria Treto-French. Maria?
7.C. 1st Reading of Board Policy Revisions to: 2:220, 4:180, 7:40, 7:190, 7:340, and 7:345
Our next Information/Discussion Item is the 1st Reading of Board Policy Revisions to 2:220, 4:180, 7:40, 7:190, 7:340, and 7:345. Does any member of the board have any questions or comments regarding this item?
7.D. 1st Reading of Board Policy 7:40, Nonpublic School Students, Including Parochial and Home-Schooled Students
Our next Information item is the 1st reading of 7:40, Nonpublic School Students, Including Parochial and Home-Schooled Students which was reviewed at the September 3rd Board Policy Committee meeting separately due to the section regarding Extracurricular Activities. Changes were made that are less restrictive for participation in our programs for any student living in D34 boundaries. Does any member of the board have any questions or comments regarding this policy?
7.E. Board of Education Committees 2020-2021
The next information item is the discussion of 2020-2021 Committees and board member participation in those committees. Let's take a moment to review these committees.
7.F. Board-Superintendent Communication Expectations and Board Agreements
Our next information/discussion item is the review of the new board governance framework created during the Starting Right Workshop conducted on July 8th with Laura Martinez of IASB. These agreements will be approved at the next Regular scheduled board meeting.
8. Board Committee Reports
Next on the agenda is the opportunity for board members to report on Board Committee meetings that have occurred since the last board meeting. Does any board member have anything to report tonight?
9. Consideration to Approve: Consent Agenda
We will now move to the approval of the Consent Agenda. Does any member wish to discuss any item on the consent agenda or remove any items for separate consideration?
If there are no comments, may I have a motion to approve the items on the consent agenda as presented? Can I have a second? Roll call please. Motion carries. |
9.A. Minutes
9.A.1. Regular Meeting Open Session Minutes - August 11, 2020
9.A.2. Regular Meeting Closed Session Minutes - August 11, 2020
9.B. Financial Reports
9.B.1. Activity Fund Statements - August 2020
9.B.2. Bills - August 2020
9.B.3. Bills - September 2020
9.B.4. Imprest Fund - August 2020
9.B.5. Payroll Report - August 2020
9.B.6. Treasurer's and Investment Report - August 2020
9.C. Personnel Consent Agenda
9.C.1. New Hires/Appointments, Leave of Absence Requests, Resignations, Notification of Intent to Retire, and Discharge of Staff
9.D. 6th Day Enrollment Report
10. Consideration to Approve: Action Items
10.A. FY21 Budget
The first Action Item tonight is the approval of the FY21 Tentative Budget. The tentative budget has been on display at the district office and a notice was published regarding the time, date and location of the budget hearing. Does any member of the board have any questions or comments?
If there are no comments, may I have a motion to approve? Can I have a second? Roll call please. Motion carries. Motion carried.
10.B. eLearning Plan Resolution
Our next Action Item is the approval of the eLearning Plan Resolution. Does any member of the board have any questions or comments? If there are no comments, may I have a motion to approve?
Could I have a second? Roll call please. Motion carries.
10.C. Antioch Upper Grade School 2020-2021 Plan-on-a-Page
The next item on the agenda for approval is the Antioch Upper Grade School 2020-2021 Plan-on-a-Page. Does any member of the board have any questions or comments? If there are no comments, may I have a motion to approve?
Could I have a second? Roll call please. Motion carries.
10.D. Board Policy Revisions: 2:260, 5:10, 5:20, 7:20, and 7:180
The next action item is the Approval of the revisions of board policies 2:260, 5:10, 5:20, 7:20, and 7:180. Does any member of the Board have questions or comments? If there are no comments, may I have a motion to approve?
Could I have a second? Roll call please. Motion carries.
10.E. Fuel Bid Award
The next item for approval is the Fuel Bid Award. Does any member of the board have any questions or comments? If there are no comments, may I have a motion to approve?
Could I have a second? Roll call please? Motion carries.
10.F. Remove Policy 5:310, Compensatory Time-off, from Policy Manual
The final Action Item before Closed Session is the approval of the Board Policy Manual Removal of 5:310, Compensatory Time-off. Does any member of the board have any questions or comments? If there are no comments, may I have a motion to approve?
Could I have a second? Roll call please. Motion carries.
11. Closed Session – Per the Open Meetings Act for the purpose of:
This concludes the open session portion of our meeting. May I have a motion to go in to closed session?"
Could I have a second? Roll call please. Motion carries. |
11.A. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, specific individuals who serve as independent contractors in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or specific volunteers of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific individual who serves as an independent contractor in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or a volunteer of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. However, a meeting to consider an increase in compensation to a specific employee of a public body that is subject to the Local Government Wage Increase Transparency Act may not be closed and shall be open to the public and posted and held in accordance with this Act. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1); and
11.B. Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11).
12. Reconvene to Open Session
May I have a motion to reconvene to open session?
Could I have a second? All those in favor indicate by saying AYE. Those opposed? Motion carries. |
13. Consideration to Approve: Action Items
13.A. Approve settlement agreement for former Student 198385
The final Action Item tonight is the Settlement Agreement for former Student 198385. Does any member of the board have any questions or comments? If there are no comments, may I have a motion to approve?
Could I have a second? Roll call please. Motion carries.
14. Information/Discussion Items
14.A. Future Agenda Items and Meeting Summary
Finally, let's discuss future agenda items and the meeting summary.
At this time, would any member like to discuss any items on the list or other agenda items for future consideration? Does any member of the Board have questions or comments?
15. Adjournment
This concludes our meeting. May I have a motion to adjourn the meeting?
Could I have a second? All those in favor indicate by saying AYE. Those opposed? Motion carries. Meeting adjourned. |