April 19, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call
II. Citizen's Comments (Limited to Agenda Items)
III. Superintendent's Report
IV. Board Reports
IV.A. Discussion of the Board of Education Openings/Vacancies and appointment of 2 Board of Education Members to fill a 2-year term through April 2023 per ILCS.
IV.B. Special Board Meeting for Reorganization on April 28, 2021
V. Board Comments
VI. Recommended Actions
VI.A. Approval of a Resolution for the Dismissal and Non-Renewal of the District Nurse
VI.B. Approval to hire Sue Jackiw for intervention services and supports for the FY22 School Year to address learning loss at a cost of $200 per day funded by the ESSER Grant, not to exceed 110 days
VI.C. Approval to hire Shawn Jackson as a Pre-K Coordinator for FY22, not to exceed 110 days, at a cost of $250/day paid via Grant Funds
VI.D. Approval to allocate ESSER I, II & III Grant Funds through FY24 as appropriated and outlined by ISBE for purposes of academic supports and services, SEL supports and services, technology resources, life safety work, summer school programs and camps, outdoor/additional learning/play spaces, outreach resources and supports, PPE, intervention/coaching salaries, and all other resources used to support and address student learning loss, promote equity, safety & wellness and increase access and opportunities for all our students.
VI.E. Approval of Champions to provide a 2021 Summer Program and Before and After Care Program for the 2021-2022 school year
VI.F. Approval of the Education Benefits Consortium rates for Health Insurance coverage at the following rates for the 2021-2022 school year:
2021-2022 EE EE+SP EE+CH FAMILY PPO $707.65 $1,627.58 $1,486.04 $2,264.43 PPO w/HSA $570.43 $1,311.98 $1,197.87 $1,825.33 HMO $515.44 $1,185.48 $1,082.39 $1,649.35 |
VI.G. Approval of the Bridges Beyond Brookwood Program offering summer employment opportunities for our former Brookwood students (ages 16-19), currently in high school (not to exceed $12,000)
VI.H. Approval of the FY22 School Calendar in alignment with ISBE Guidelines
VI.I. Approval of the installation of an additional playground at Longwood for Pre-K funded through ESSER Grants at an approximate cost of $315,000
VI.J. Approval of the installation of outdoor seating and play area for Brookwood Middle School funded through ESSER Grants at an approximate cost of $100,000
VI.K. Approval to add access points to Longwood East Door and BJHS North Door by Video and Sound Service, Inc. at a cost of $4,475.97 for Longwood and $4,725.97 for BJHS to alleviate overcrowding at entry and exit doors
VI.L. Approval of the disposal of obsolete, broken or nonfunctional Electronic Items using Electronic Recycling by Prodige Processing, Inc. at a cost of $0
VI.M. Approval to pay Net Ninja at a cost of $17,455.00 for the 2021-2022 school year for website services
VI.N. Approval of the resolution to renew authorization for the BOE Attorney to act on the districts behalf with Property Tax Assessment Cases and Appeals to prevent substantial losses to the district from tax revenues
VI.O. Approval to extend a 3% pay increase for Employee #0419-16 for the 2021-2022 school year
VI.P. Approval of the April Accounts Payable Pre-List in the Amount of $932,564.58, Imprest Account in the Amount of $1,986.50 and Total Payroll in the Amount of $624,119.39 for a Grand Total of $1,556,683.97
VI.Q. Approval of the March 8, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
VII. Citizen's Comments (Limited to 5 minutes)
VIII. Adjournment