November 15, 2023 at 6:30 PM - November 15, 2023
Agenda |
1. Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance, Mission & Vision
MISSION: Empowering and equipping all BISD students with the knowledge and skills necessary for a lifetime of success.
VISION: A proud history and an unlimited future. |
2. Call Meeting to Order, Roll Call & Establishment of a Quorum.
“I shall call this meeting of the Banquete ISD to order. Let the record show that a quorum of board members is present, that this meeting has been duly called, and that notice of the meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551.”
3. Staff Recognition
a staff member probably save a student's life yesterday. One of my diabetic students had a very low reading the previous day and so I sent an email out to all staff to make them aware, per parents request. My student had been at 41 but knew something wasn't right so he came in the day before. Yesterday, he had no idea that he was low but his teacher, Mrs. Tina Michelle Martinez, noticed he looked out of the norm and asked him if he needed to come see me. He said no, that he was fine. so she asked him again. He told her he would come check since she was persistent, so she sent him with another student as instructed the day prior. He came into my office, feeling no symptoms at all, at 36. Had she not noticed anything or taken the time to double check, things could have ended very badly yesterday. I understand that we all do training so that we can step up like she did, but not everyone would have acted as she did.
4. Open Forum
Audience participation at a Board Meeting is limited to the public comment portion of the meeting designed for that purpose. No presentation shall be longer than 3 minutes. I need to inform you that the board will not be able to respond to any topic discussed during the open forum if it is not listed on the agenda. At all other times during a board meeting, the audience shall not enter into discussion or debate on the matter being considered by the board, unless requested by the presiding officer. Persons wishing to participate must sign up before the meeting and indicate the topic about which they wish to speak. Please see Board Operating Procedures for more details.
5. Superintendent Updates
6. AG|CM Bond Planning Assistance presentation
7. Consent Agenda:
All item(s) on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine and will be enacted with one motion and a majority vote of the governing body. There will not be a separate discussion of these item(s) unless a member of the governing body or a citizen requests, in which event these item(s) will be removed from the order of business and considered in normal sequence on the regular agenda.
7.A. Payment of itemized bills
7.B. Financial Statements and Balances
7.C. Investments
7.D. Tax Office Report
7.E. Cafeteria Report
7.F. Cash Flow Report
7.G. Approval of all standard reports, minutes, bills and informational items.
8. Student transport training presentation
9. Resolution to Cast Vote for Board of Directors - Place 7, Nueces County Appraisal District
10. Beginning of the Year MAP data presentation
11. Discussion and approval of District Improvement Plan.
12. Discussion and approval of Campus Improvement Plans.
13. Discussion and approval of textbook support for Banquete/DelMar students in dual credit or continuing ed classes.
DelMar will waive tuition costs. Recommending that we assist with textbook costs for these students. 100% of textbook costs are reimbursed if they have a final grade of A, 85% for B, 75% for C.
14. Intruder Audit Findings and plan
15. Budget Amendment(s)
17. Date and Time for December Regular Meeting
December 13, 2023
18. Closed Session
Public notice is given that the District may go into a closed meeting (executive session) at any time during the meeting in order to discuss matters listed on the agenda, when authorized by the provision of the Texas Government Code. In the event the District elects to go into a closed meeting reading any agenda item, the section or sections of the Open Meetings Act authorizing the closed meeting will be publicly announced by the presiding officer. The subjects listed below will be the items upon which formal action may be taken. The subjects do not have to be taken in the order listed here but may be brought up in any order at the discretion of the board.
A. Consideration of Employment B. Resignations C. Personnel D. Long Range Plans and Purchases |
18.A. Consultation with school district attorney and receive confidential legal advice concerning pending matters – TEX. GOV’T CODE §551.071 and TEX. GOV’T. CODE §551.129
18.B. Hear and deliberate Level Three Complaint/Appeal re: Employee matter – TEX. GOV’T CODE § 551.0821
19. Possible Board action concerning the Level Three Complaint/Appeal
20. Adjourn