February 10, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and roll call:
• David Skwor • Carol Lambert • Shawn Driscoll • Jennifer Butler • Judy Ferry • Jill Yindra • Melissa Wiesner |
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approve Board Agenda
4. Public Forum
5. Discussion Items
5.A. Upcoming Board Meetings
5.B. Day at the Capitol - Wednesday, March 12th
6. Reports to the Board
6.A. Ms. Heidi Rehbein - Director of MishiKids
6.A.1. Current Enrollment
6.A.2. Attendance Patterns
6.A.3. Communication and Family Engagement
6.A.4. Health, Safety, and Compliance
6.A.5. Program and Curriculum Updates
6.A.6. Goals and Strategic Plans
6.A.7. Upcoming/Ongoing
6.B. Mr. Nelson - Elementary School Principal / Director of Information Technology
6.B.1. IXL Assessment Data (Winter Benchmark)
6.B.2. AIMSWEB Reading Assessment (Winter Benchmark)
6.B.3. Forward Exam
6.B.4. Mid Year SLO Meetings
6.C. Mr. J Gerlach - Middle/High School Principal
6.C.1. Recognition of Students
6.C.2. SkillsUSA
6.C.3. FBLA Leadership Conference
6.C.4. Upcoming Events
6.D. Ms. Greenwood - Assistant Middle/High School Principal / Director of Curriculum and Instruction
6.D.1. High School Teacher Selected as a WAMS Ambassador
6.D.2. February is CTE Month
6.D.3. IXL Assessment
6.E. Ms. Stryhn - Director of Pupil Services
6.E.1. Open Enrollment
6.E.2. State-Wide Testing Prep
6.F. Ms. N Schmidt - High School Athletic Director
6.F.1. Communication Tool
6.F.2. Winter Upcoming Events
6.F.3. Hall of Fame Night Recap
6.F.4. Spring Outlook
6.G. Mr. A Butler - Director of Buildings, Grounds and Transportation
6.G.1. Roofing Project
6.G.2. District Lockers
6.G.3. Athletic Fields/Ball Diamond RFPs
6.G.4. Personnel
6.H. Mr. C Erlandson - Superintendent
6.H.1. Student Achievement
6.H.1.a. Act 20 (Early Literacy)
6.H.1.b. Vendor Fair for Teacher Evaluation Software
6.H.2. Facilities and Operations
6.H.2.a. Referendum Update
6.H.3. Student and Community Engagement
6.H.3.a. Extracurricular Activities: Chili Supper
6.H.3.b. Community Partnerships: Chamber Awards
6.H.3.c. Adult-Student Communication
6.H.4. Policy and Governance
6.H.4.a. Policy Update Highlights
6.H.4.b. CESA 7 Interviews
6.H.4.c. Board Actions Needed
6.H.4.d. Executive Orders
6.H.5. Upcoming Events
6.I. Ms. Thelen - Business Manager
6.I.1. Treasurer's Report
6.I.2. January Pupil Count
6.I.3. CPI Update
6.I.4. Referendum Update
6.I.5. Membership Audit
6.I.6. Proposed Special Education Categorical Aid Impact
7. Action Items
7.A. Approve the Purchase of Lockers for OH Schultz Elementary from Marshfield Book & Stationary in the amount of $13,792.00.
7.B. Approve the Purchase of Lockers for the Middle School from Marshfield Book & Stationary in the amount of $12,606.00.
7.C. Approve the Purchase of Lockers for the High School from Marshfield Book & Stationary in the amount of $81,083.00.
7.D. Approve the Purchase of PowerSchool Enrollment and ECollect Express SaaS in the amount of $7,728.00.
7.E. Accept the Donation from the Mishicot FFA Alumni for Tables and Chairs for Room 228 in the amount of $7,309.57.
7.F. Approve the Donation from the Mishicot FFA Alumni for the CDE Offset Fees in the amount of $2,732.50.
7.G. Accept the Donation from Friends of the WTA for FFA Trap in the amount of $400.00.
7.H. Accept the Donation from Mishicot GridIron Club for 2024 Expenses in the amount of $5,325.00.
7.I. Approve the First Reading of Policy 8500 - Wellness.
7.J. Approve the First Reading of Policy 6147 - Debt Management.
7.K. Approve the First Reading of Policy 6235 - Fund Balance.
7.L. Approve the First Reading of NEOLA Policy Updates - Volume 33, Number 1 - December 2023.
7.L.1. po0100 - Definitions
7.L.2. po0122 - Board Powers
7.L.3. po0144.3 - Conflict of Interest
7.L.4. po0171.3 - Clerk
7.L.5. po2250 - Innovative Programs
7.L.6. po2413 - Health Education
7.L.7. po2415 - Tutoring for Credit
7.L.8. po2460.03 - Independent Education Evaluation (IEE)
7.L.9. po5517 - Student Anti-Harassment
7.L.10. po5610 - Suspension and Expulsion
7.L.11. po6325 - Procurement - Federal Grants/Funds
7.L.12. po6610 - Nondistrict-Supported Student Activity Accounts
7.L.13. New Policy po6611 - District-Supported/Sponsored Student Activity Accounts
7.L.14. po7440 - Facility Security
7.L.15. po7540 - Technology
7.L.16. po7544 - Use of Social Media
7.L.17. po8120 - Volunteers
7.L.18. po8310 - Public Records
7.L.19. po8330 - Student Records
7.L.20. po8407 - School Resource Officer Program
7.L.21. po8431 - Preparedness for Toxic Hazards
7.L.22. po8700 - Nursing Mothers
7.L.23. po9130 - Public Requests, Suggestions, or Complaints
7.L.24. po9140 - Citizens' Advisory Committees
8. Consent Agenda Items
8.A. Accept Minutes-
8.A.1. Regular Board Meeting - January 13, 2025
8.A.2. Wellness Committee Meeting - January 13, 2025
8.B. Personnel
8.B.1. Hiring - Sierra Skarda - Childcare Aide
8.B.2. Hiring - Bruce Grossheim - Part-Time Van Driver
8.B.3. Resignation - Kailey Smidel - JV2 Volleyball Coach
8.B.4. Retirement - Teri Stoeger - Elementary Teacher
9. School Board Input
10. Adjournment