February 18, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda | ||||||||||||
1. Call to Order / Roll Call / Pledge of Allegiance
___ Kelly Hoeft ___ Ryan Jones ___ Linda Leiding ___ Mike Maurer ___ Kari Paul ___ Sara Rose ___ Josh Sargent |
2. Approval of Agenda
Motion:__________ Second:__________ Carried:___ Failed:___ |
3. Congratulations
Congratulations to ExCel Award winners Nettie Parsons and Aidan Moeller, who were selected as two of the students this year. ExCEL—Excellence in Community, Education and Leadership—is a unique recognition award that’s presented annually since 1996 to high school juniors that are active in League-sponsored activities, are leaders in their schools and demonstrate a strong commitment to community service.
Not only is Aidan the local nominee, but it was announced last week that he is one of only 18 junior boys from across the entire state of Minnesota to be awarded the statewide ExCEL award. He will receive his statewide honor during the girl’s state basketball tournament on March 15 th at Williams Arena and will be on TV during halftime of the 2AA state championship game. Congratulations to AAA winners Chloe Sargent and Max Magnus. The Triple "A" Award (Academics, Arts, and Athletics) honors high school seniors throughout Minnesota who have a 3.0 or higher grade point average and participate in Minnesota State High School League sponsored athletic and fine arts activities. Each nominee fills out an application, writes several essays, and gets a letter of recommendation from a school staff member. |
4. Consent Agenda
Recommended Motion: Pass a resolution to accept with appreciation the following donations:
RECOMMENDED MOTION: To approve the medical leave of absence for Kristen Theis beginning January 23, 2025 through March 6, 2025.
RECOMMENDED MOTION: To accept the resignation from JoAnna Gibson, paraprofessional, effective February 28, 2025 with appreciation for her service.
4.4. HIRES
RECOMMENDED MOTION: To hire Brenda Chavez as a part time evening custodian beginning February 11, 2025. Salary: Based on the Agreement between ISD 2071 and the Classified Association.
4.5. Approve minutes of January 21, 2025 regular meeting and the February 3, 2025 special meeting.
4.6. Approve bills totaling $417,931.78 and wire transfers of $340,255.62.
Motion:__________ Second:__________ Carried:___ Failed:___ |
5. Citizen Participation
6. Reports
6.1. Superintendent Report
6.1.1. Enrollment
6.1.2. Referendum Update
6.1.3. District Dashboard
6.2. Business Manager Report
6.3. Elementary Principal Report
6.4. Secondary Principal Report
6.5. Committee Reports
7. Correspondence
8. Old Business
9. New Business
9.1. Graduation Credit Increase (Action)
RECOMMENDED MOTION: To approve the increase the amount of credits to graduate from 24 to 24.5 beginning with the class of 2028.
Motion:______________ Second:_______________ Carried:___ Failed:___ |
9.2. READ Act Memorandum of Understanding (Action)
RECOMMENDED MOTION: To approve the Memorandum of Understanding between ISD 2071 and the Education Association relating to the compensation for teacher for completing the READ Act training.
Motion:______________ Second:_____________ Carried:___ Failed:___ |
9.3. Environmental Consulting Agreement (Action)
Recommended Motion: To approve the Environmental Consulting Agreement with Harbo Consulting Agency for three years July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2028. (Appendix)
Motion:__________ Second:__________ Carried:___ Failed:___ |
9.4. Title IX Policy (Action)
RECOMMENDED MOTION: To approve adoption of the previous school board policy 522.
The District is repealing the most recent version of Policy 522 regarding Title IX protections and procedures due to recent legal action vacating the 2024 revisions to Title IX. We are putting back into place the pre-2024 version of Policy 522. As this change is because of a legal change over which we had no control, we can make this change at one meeting. Motion:_____________ Second:_____________ Carried:___ Failed:___ |
RECOMMENDED MOTION: To approve the softball bingo fundraiser.
Motion:___________ Second:_____________ Carried:___ Failed:___ |
The next study session will be held on March 3 and will be a discussion of the budget.
10. Announcements
11. Other Business
12. Items for Future Agendas
13. Adjournment
Motion:__________ Second:__________ Carried:___ Failed:___