December 10, 2020 at 5:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
II.A. School Board Member Heather Osagiede will be attending the meeting remotely at the following location: 9876 State Highway 176, Walnut Shade, MO 65771
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Superintendent’s Report
VI. Removal of Consent Items for Discussion
VII. Approval of Consent Items
VII.A. Minutes of November 12, 2020 Work Session
VII.B. Minutes of November 12, 2020 Regular Meeting
VII.C. Minutes of November 25, 2020 Work Session
VII.D. Authorization of Payments, Transfers, and Investment Activity
VII.E. Personnel
VII.E.1. Cathy Regnier, retirement effective the end of the 2020-21 school year, as Music Teacher at North Branch Area Middle School
VII.E.2. Dena Vieth-Loher, retirement effective the end of the 2020-21 school year, as Music Teacher at Sunrise River Elementary School
VII.E.3. Lesley Zieglmeier, resignation effective November 19, 2020, as Lunchroom Assistant at North Branch Area Middle School
VII.E.4. Cassandra Cosgrove, resignation effective December 3, 2020, as SPED Assistant at North Branch Area Education Center
VII.E.5. Linda Behrendt, leave request effective November 23, 2020 through January 18, 2021 as Early Childhood Assistant at North Branch Area Education Center
VII.E.6. Pamela Lindblom, leave request effective November 23, 2020 through January 18, 2021 as Early Childhood Assistant at North Branch Area Education Center
VII.E.7. Faith Schaal, leave request effective November 23, 2020 through February 8, 2021 as Early Childhood SPED Assistant at North Branch Area Education Center
VII.E.8. Allison Mantel, leave request effective March 11, 2021 through May 2, 2021, as Intervention Teacher at Sunrise River Elementary
VII.E.9. Tessa Strain-Moritz, leave request effective March 5, 2021 through April 18, 2021, as ALC/Distance Learning Teacher
VII.E.10. Mikaela Matheny, extend temporary employment as Education Assistant at Distance Learning Academy through the end of 2020-21 school year
VII.E.11. Sally Liljedahl, employment effective November 4, 2020, as Lunchroom Assistant at North Branch Area Middle School
VII.E.12. Lily Rayer, employment effective November 9, 2020, as SPED Assistant at Life Work Center
VII.E.13. 2020-21 Extra Curricular Fall Coach Positions
VII.E.13.a. Steve Dickhudt, Class 3, Step 6, as Assistant Coach for Volleyball
VII.E.13.b. Roberta Disrud, Class 3, Step 7, as Head Coach for Dance
VII.E.13.c. Sean Huset, Class 3, Step 7, as Assistant Coach for Football
VII.E.13.d. Katie Olsen, Class 9, Step 10, as Weightroom Supervisor for Trimester 2
VII.E.13.e. Gina Scott, Class 5, Step 3, as Assistant Coach for Dance
VII.E.14. 2020-21 Activity Advisor Positions
VII.E.14.a. Chas Bettendorf, Class 8, Step 10, as Knowledge Bowl Advisor
VII.E.14.b. Becky Leuer, Class 6, Step 2, as 7-9 FTC Robotics Coordinator
VII.E.14.c. Laura Michels, Class 3, Step 3, as Auditorium Coordinator/Tech Club Advisor
VII.E.14.d. Laura Michels, Class 7, Step 2, as One Act Director
VII.E.14.e. Jessica Petrik, Class 4, Step 1, as Head Coach for Speech
VII.E.14.f. Hannah Rawleigh, Class 6, Step 2, as ProStart Advisor
VII.F. Consider Hockey Rink Agreement Between the City of North Branch and the North Branch Area School District
VII.G. Acceptance of Donations
Minnesota Statute 123B.02 permits school boards to "...receive, for the benefit of the district, bequests, donations, or gifts for any proper purpose and apply the same to the purpose designated. In that behalf, the board may act as trustee of any trust created for the benefit of the district, and for the benefit of pupils thereof." Therefore, the Superintendent recommends the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District No. 138 that the School Board accept with appreciation the following contributions and permit their use as designated by the donors.
VIII. Open Mic: Open mic is a time for public comment. However, it is not a means to have issues added to this evening’s agenda. It is also not a means to discuss specific individuals negatively in public, either by name or position. If you would like district follow up to comments, please leave appropriate contact information on the open mic sign-in sheet. Please limit your comments to three minutes.
IX. Old Business
X. New Business
X.A. Consider Acceptance of Audit Report for FY2020
X.B. Consider 2019-20 World's Best Workforce Report Summary
X.C. Consider Resolution Establishing Combined Polling Places for Multiple Precincts and Designating Hours During Which the Polling Places will Remain Open for Voting for School District Elections Not Held on the Day of a Statewide Election
X.D. Consider Certification of Property Tax Levy 2020, Payable 2021 in the Amount of $9,398,079.51
Truth-in-Taxation public hearing comments or questions can be provided in person during the hearing at the North Branch Area Middle School Media Center or sent to School Board Chair Kirby Ekstrom at, prior to the meeting.
XI. Addendum
XII. Information
XIII. Board Requests
XIV. Committee Reports
XIV.A. SEE (Schools for Equity in Education)
XIV.B. Negotiations
XIV.C. MSBA Update or Report
XIV.F. Staff Development Report
XIV.G. Community Education Advisory Committee Report
XIV.H. Policy Committee Report
XV. Dates to Remember
XV.A. Thursday, January 14, 2021 Organizational Meeting, 5:30 pm, North Branch Area Middle School, Media Center
XV.B. Thursday, January 14, 2021 Regular School Board Meeting, immediately following the Organizational Meeting, North Branch Area Middle School, Media Center
XV.C. Thursday, January 28, 2021, School Board Work Session, 5:30 pm, North Branch Area Middle School, Media Center
XVI. Adjournment