August 13, 2020 at 5:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Superintendent’s Report
VI. Removal of Consent Items for Discussion
VII. Approval of Consent Items
VII.A. Minutes of July 9, 2020 School Board Retreat
VII.B. Minutes of July 9, 2020 Regular School Board Meeting
VII.C. Minutes of July 15, 2020 OPEB Committee Meeting
VII.D. Authorization of Payments, Transfers, and Investment Activity
VII.E. Personnel
VII.E.1. Sydney Rydberg-Engel, BS, Step 2, beginning with the 2020-21 school year, as Art Teacher at North Branch Area High School
VII.E.2. Riley Stremick, MA, Step 4, beginning with the 2020-21 school year, as Speech Language Pathologist at Sunrise River Elementary School
VII.E.3. Joy Lampl, BS, Step 3, one-year contract for 2020-21 for a Tier 1 License for Math Teacher at North Branch Area High School
VII.E.4. Cole Nichols, BA/BS, Step 7, one-year contract for 2020-21 for a Tier 1 License for Industrial Tech/Tech Ed Teacher at North Branch Area High School
VII.E.5. Rachelle Johnson, resignation effective August 18, 2020, as SPED Assistant at North Branch Area High School
VII.E.6. Kathleen Wessel, resignation effective July 31, 2020 as SPED Assistant at Sunrise River Elementary School
VII.E.7. Debra Linder, retirement effective August 7, 2020, as SPED Assistant at Life Work Center
VII.E.8. 2020-21 Extra Curricular Fall Coach Positions
VII.E.8.a. Nita Worthley, Class 4, Step 2, as Assistant Coach for Cross Country
VII.E.8.b. Sherri Keller, Class 4, Step 6, as Assistant Coach for Girls Soccer
VII.E.8.c. Joel Santjer, Class 3, Step 5, as Head Coach for Girls Tennis
VII.E.8.d. Andy Spofford, Class 5, Step 5, as Assistant Coach for Girls Tennis
VII.E.8.e. Brandon Korkowski - Volunteer Coach for Boys Soccer
VII.E.8.f. Jenel Korkowski - Volunteer Coach for Boys Soccer
VII.E.8.g. Don Mattson - Volunteer Coach for Boys Soccer
VII.E.8.h. Brady Swanson - Volunteer Coach for Girls Tennis
VII.F. Acceptance of Donations
Minnesota Statute 123B.02 permits school boards to "...receive, for the benefit of the district, bequests, donations, or gifts for any proper purpose and apply the same to the purpose designated. In that behalf, the board may act as trustee of any trust created for the benefit of the district, and for the benefit of pupils thereof." Therefore, the Superintendent recommends the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District No. 138 that the School Board accept with appreciation the following contributions and permit their use as designated by the donors.
VIII. Open Mic: Open mic is a time for public comment. However, it is not a means to have issues added to this evening’s agenda. It is also not a means to discuss specific individuals negatively in public, either by name or position. If you would like district follow up to comments, please leave appropriate contact information on the open mic sign-in sheet. Please limit your comments to three minutes.
IX. Old Business
X. New Business
X.A. Consider Resolution Relating to Election of School Board Members and Calling the School District General Election
X.B. Consider First Reading of Policy 503-NB - Attendance Policy
X.C. Consider First Reading of Policy 506-NB - Student Discipline
XI. Addendum
XI.A. Consent
XI.A.1. Barb Swenson, three (3) year leave request beginning with the 2020-21 school year as Distance Learning/ALC Teacher at North Branch Area Public Schools
XI.B. New Business
XI.B.1. Consider Letter of Agreement Addressing Compensation of Coaches and Co-Curricular Advisors During the 2020-2021 School Year
XII. Information
XII.A. Board & Administrator August 2020 Issue
XIII. Board Requests
XIV. Committee Reports
XIV.A. SEE (Schools for Equity in Education)
XIV.B. Negotiations
XIV.B.2. Principals
XIV.C. MSBA Update or Report
XIV.F. Staff Development Report
XIV.G. Community Education Advisory Committee Report
XIV.H. Policy Committee Report
XV. Dates to Remember
XV.A. Wednesday, August 19, 2020 Negotiations Committee Meeting, 4:00 pm, Virtual
XV.B. Wednesday, August 19, 2020 NBSSA Negotiations Session, 4:30 pm, Virtual
XV.C. Thursday, August 27, 2020 Special School Board Meeting, 5:30 pm, North Branch Area Education Center, Large Gym
XV.D. Thursday, September 8, 2020 First Day of School
XV.E. Thursday, September 10, 2020 Regular School Board Meeting, 5:30 pm, North Branch Area Education Center, Large Gym
XV.F. Thursday, September 24, 2020 School Board Work Session, 5:30 pm, North Branch Area Education Center, Large Gym
XVI. Adjournment