April 18, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Work Session 4:30 P.M.
2. Regular Session 5:30 P.M.
3. Call to Order-Pledge-Vision & Mission-Invocation
4. Adoption of Agenda
5. Approval of Minutes for March 23, 2023
6. Public Comments
7. Superintendent Update
7.1. Student Achievement Report
7.2. Student Attendance Report
7.3. Teacher Attendance Report
8. TES School Improvement Update (Goal 1,2)
9. THS School Improvement Update (Goal 1,2)
10. 16th Section (Goal 4)
11. Approval of Districtwide Renovation Contract
12. Approval to Pay Contractor Pay Application #003 - Districtwide Restroom Project (Goal 4,5)
13. Approval to Pay Contractor Pay Application #009 - THS Restroom Project (Goal 4,5)
14. Approval to Pay Architect Invoice #202172B-09 - THS Restrooms
15. Approval to Pay Architects Invoice #202172C-05 Districtwide Restroom Renovations
16. Approval of FY 23-24 Budget Meeting - June 13, 2023 at 10:00 A.M.
17. Approval of CTE - LPU FY 23-24
18. Approval of MASS Membership for SY 2023-2024
19. Approval of AABC Appreciation Week Declaration
20. Approval of Out of State Travel - Randy Harrell (Goal 1)
21. Personnel (Goal 3)
21.1. Approval of Personnel Reassignments for FY23-24
21.2. Approval of Certified Personnel Recommendations FY23-24 by Personnel Committee
21.2.1. Salem
21.2.2. Dexter/Salem/TPS/TES
21.3. Approval of Certified Personnel Recommendations FY 23-24
21.3.1. TPS
21.3.2. TES
21.3.3. THS
21.4. Approval of Non-Certified Personnel Recommendations for FY 23-24
21.4.1. District
21.4.2. Dexter
21.4.3. Salem
21.4.4. TPS
21.4.5. TES
21.4.6. THS
21.4.7. WCCTC
21.4.8. Special Services
21.4.9. Federal Program
21.4.10. Alternative School
21.4.11. Child Nutrition/Food Service
21.4.12. Transportation
21.5. Approval of Substitutes for April 2023
21.6. Approval of Non-Certified Resignation
21.6.1. THS
21.6.2. Food Service
22. Consent Agenda
22.1. Approval of Job Descriptions (Goal 3)
22.1.1. Technology Integration Specialist
22.1.2. Technology Coordinator
22.2. Approval of 2023 School Improvement Plan -TES and THS (Goal 1,2)
22.3. Approval of Fixed Assets Deletions 4/18/2023 (Goal 4)
22.4. Approval of Student Travel (Goal 1)
22.4.1. Dexter
| Student Travel - 1
22.4.2. Salem
| Student Travel - 1
| Student Travel - 2
| Student Travel - 3
22.4.3. THS
| Student Travel - 1
| Student Travel - 2
| Student Travel - 3
22.4.4. WCCTC
| Student Travel - 1
| Student Travel - 2
22.5. Approval of THS Fund Raiser (Goal 1)
22.6. Approval of Building Request - Salem Auditorium
23. FYI
23.1. Staff Travel (Goal 1)
24. Adopt Financial (Goal 4)
24.1. Financial Statements for February 28, 2023
24.2. Board Docket April 18, 2023
24.3. Pre-approved Docket (Claim Numbers 619618-619699)
25. Consideration of an Executive Session
25.1. Student Transfers (Goal 2)
25.1.1. Parent Employed
| Student Transfer - 1
| Student Transfer - 2
| Student Transfer - 3
| Student Transfer - 4
25.1.2. Child Care
| Student Transfer - 1
| Student Transfer - 2
| Student Transfer - 3
25.2. Student Matter
25.2.1. Student Matter # 1
25.2.2. Student Matter # 2
25.3. Certified Resignation FY 23-24
26. Adjourn