July 27, 2021 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Regular Session 5:30 P.M.
2. Call to Order-Pledge-Invocation
3. Adoption of Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes for June 10, 2021,June 15, 2021, June 25, 2021, June 30, 2021
5. Public Comments
6. Approval of Budget Amendments
7. Approval of Budget Certification
8. Approval of Ad Valorem Request
9. Approval of Updated Salary Handbook 2021-2022
10. Approval of MCOPS
11. Approval of Updated Return to School Plan 2021-2022
12. 16th Section
13. Approval of Office Automation Maintenance Agreement
14. Approval of Fuel/Propane Bid SY 2021-2022
15. Consent Agenda
15.1. Additional Pay
15.2. Approval of Dr. Joel Lofton for Dir. Of Safety, Compliance & Response
15.3. THS Custodial Resignation
15.4. THS Custodial Recommendation
15.5. THS Fundraisers
15.6. THS Athletic Schedules
15.7. THS Recommendation of Certified Trainer
15.8. Salem Athletic Schedules
15.9. Salem Sports Supplements
15.10. Approval to Destroy Cumulative Folders of 2016 or Prior for Salem
15.11. Personnel Recommendation (TES,TPS,THS)
15.12. Personnel Recommendations TES
15.13. Transportation Cooperative Agreement
15.14. THS Coaching Duty Resignation
15.15. THS Coaching Supplements
15.16. TPS Non Certified Recommendations
15.17. TES Non-Certified Recommendation 21-22
15.18. Student Travel (GED) 2021-2022
15.19. Substitutes August 2021-2022
Student Transfer ( Hardship)
15.20. Recommendation of Summer School Bus Drivers 20-21
15.21. Recommendations of Full Time Bus Drivers
15.22. Approval of JGAA Policy Revisions
15.23. Approval of District Plans
15.23.1. Instructional Management Plan
15.23.2. Dropout Prevention & Restructuring Plan
15.23.3. Professional Learning Plan
15.24. Approval of Federal Programs Plans and Policies
15.24.1. WCSD Board Letter
15.24.2. WCSD EL Plan 2021-2022
15.24.3. WCSD EL Policy 2021-2022
15.24.4. WCSD Homeless Policy 2021-2022
15.24.5. WCSD Parent and Family Engagement Policy 2021-2022
16. FYI
17. Approval of Financial Statement May 31, 2021
18. Approval of Claim Dockets
18.1. Board Docket #45151 to #45215 and Pre-Approved #617956 to #618000
19. Consideration of an Executive Session
19.1. Resignation of Certified Employee (TES)
19.2. Student Transfer ( Parent Employed)
19.3. Student Transfer (Parent Employed)
19.4. Student Transfer (Health)
19.5. Student Transfers (Hardship/Non-medical)
19.6. Student Transfer (Child Care)
19.7. Student Transfer Majority/Minority
19.8. Student Transfer (School Improvement)
20. Adjourn