July 21, 2020 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Regular Session 5:30 P.M.
2. Call to Order-Pledge
3. Adoption of Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes for June 16, 2020 and June 30, 2020
5. Public Comments
6. Adoption of Technology Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) [IJ-R], Approval of Technology Issued to Students (1.1 Initiative Program) [IJEA] and Pandemic COVID-19 Policies: IAAA - Distance/Online Learning, IAAB -Staff Conduct on Virtual Meetings, IJBD - Responsible Use of District Learning Issued Technology, JGA - Pandemic/Epidemic Emergencies, JGAA - return to School During COVID-19, JRAB - Compliance with FERPA
7. Approval of the Student Technology Handbook FY 2020-2021
8. Approval of Parent/Guardian Consent and Release for Video/Audio Conferencing
9. Resolution Requesting AD Valorem Tax Levy
10. Approval of Budget Certification
11. Approval of COVID-19 School Restart Plan
12. Consent Agenda
12.1. Ricky Payne Contract Amended Days
12.2. Substitute List
12.3. PRVO Agreement
12.4. Recommendation of Non-Certified
12.5. Recommendation of Certified and Pending Licensure Teachers
12.6. Agreement for Student Placement (CARES)
12.7. Recommendation of Assistant Principal/Interventionist at TPS
12.8. Recommendation of Alternative Program(s) Director
12.9. FY 20-21 Salary Handbook Revisions
13. Financial
14. Claim Dockets
Claim Dockets
14.1. Board Docket
14.2. Pre-Approved Docket
15. Executive Session
15.1. Letter of Resignation
15.2. Student Transfers Part A
15.3. Student Transfers Part B
15.4. Student Transfer Part C
15.5. Student Transfers Part D
15.6. Student Transfers Part E
16. Adjourn