February 26, 2009 at 4:15 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Quorum
III. Campus Focus - Secondary School
IV. Public Comment
V. Consideration of Approval of January 14, 2009 and January 29, 2009 Minutes
VI. Consideration of Approval to name the Fine Arts Building located on the Secondary Campus in honor of Mr. Richard (Dick) Wilson
VII. Executive Session As Authorized under Government Code of Texas: Attorney Consultation§551.071,Real Property §551.072, Prospective Gifts, §551.073, Personnel Matters §551.074, Student Discipline §551.082, Employee-Employee Complaints §551.082,Security Devices,§551.076, Economic Development Negotiations §551.087, Homeland Security §418.183(f), Student Information§551.0821,Medical or Psychiatric Records §551.0785; Education Code, Assessment Instruments §39.030(a),
Regarding Level III Grievance
VIII. Consideration and Possible Action regarding Level III Parental Grievance by Vernon and Holly Oscar
IX. Discussion of Financial Matters
X. Consideration of Approval to purchase a new sound system for the band
XI. Consideration of Approval to authorize the sale of two school buses
XII. Consideration of Approval for Method of Procurement for Roofing Project at Randolph Elementary
XIII. Consideration of Approval to adopt an Anatomy and Physiology textbook
XIV. Discussion of AEIS Report and Public Hearing
XV. Consideration of Approval of 2009 - 2010 District Calendar
XVI. Consideration of Approval to Modify April 2009 Board Meeting Date
XVII. Superintendent's Report
XVII.A) Principal's Campus Reports
XVII.B) Retirements
XVII.C) Update on Impact Aid
XVII.E) TASB Legislative Conference Update
XVII.F) Board Member Terms expiring July 2009
XVII.G) HEB Excellence in Education Award
XVII.H) DoDEA Grant Opportunity
XVIII. Personnel Matters
XVIII.A) Consideration of Approval of 2009-2010 Administrative Contract Recommendations
XVIII.B) Consideration of Approval of Superintendent's Contract
XIX. Adjourn