July 5, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Roll Call
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. First Public Comments/Questions (20 Minutes)
IV. Communications from the Superintendent
IV.A. August 15 Board of Eduction Meeting
IV.B. Superintendent Report
IV.B.1. Motion to Approve the School Improvement Plans for the Following Schools Based on the 2018 ISBE Targeted School Designation:
IV.B.1.a. Allen - Hermes - Rollins - O'Donnell - Cowherd - Waldo - Simmons - East High
V. Motion to Approve the Following Consent Agenda, as listed:
V.A. Board of Education Meeting Minutes of June 6, 2022
V.B. Executive Session Meeting Minutes of June 6, 2022
V.C. Monthly Financial Reports, as listed:
V.D. Personnel Report, as listed:
V.D.1. Resignations
V.D.2. Appointments
V.D.3. Adjusted Appointments
V.D.4. Leaves
V.D.5. Retirements
V.D.6. Differentials
V.D.7. Summer Employment
VI. Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing Safety and Security and the Appointment, Employment, Performance, Compensation and Dismissal of a Specific Employee
VII. Action Resulting from Executive Session
VIII. Finance/Personnel Committee, Dan Barreiro, Chair
VIII.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
VIII.A.1. Next Finance/Committee Meeting - Tuesday, July 5, 2022 and Monday, August 1, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. at the Administrative Center
VIII.B. Action Items:
VIII.B.1. Motion to Approve the Following Revisions to IASB Press Board Policies:
VIII.B.1.a. Policy 3:70 (General School Administration Succession of Authority
VIII.B.1.b. Policy 5:70 (General Personnel - Religious Holidays)
VIII.B.1.c. Policy 5:110 (General Personnel - Recognition for Service)
VIII.B.1.d. Policy 5:140 (General Personnel - Solicitations By or From Staff)
VIII.B.1.e. Policy 5:240 (Professional Personnel - Suspension)
VIII.B.1.f. Policy 6:70 (Instruction - Teaching About Religions)
VIII.B.1.g. Policy 6:140 (Instruction - Education of Homeless Children)
VIII.B.1.h. Policy 6:330 (Instruction - Achievement and Awards)
IX. Curriculum and Programs Committee, Kimberly Hatchett, Chair, met June 13, 2022 at 6 p.m. at the Administrative Center
IX.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
IX.A.1. Next Curriculum Committee Meeting - Monday, July 18, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. at the Administrative Center
IX.A.2. Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes of June 13, 2022
IX.A.3. Oak Park School Improvement Plan
IX.A.4. Allen School Improvement Plan
IX.A.5. Curriculum Committee Meeting Dates for the 22/23 School Year
IX.A.6. Equity Through Action - Systems Leadership - The Scholar First, Inc. Proposal
IX.A.7. Summer Professional Development Catalog
IX.A.8. New Courses - Cooperative Education & Diversified Occupations (Work Study)
IX.A.9. Professional Development (PLC Proposal and Common Formative Assessment Proposal
IX.A.10. 2022/2023 District Consolidated Plan
IX.A.11. Attendance and Enrollment
IX.B. New Business:
IX.B.1. Grading Policy 9-12
IX.C. Action Items:
IX.C.1. Motion to Approve the Proposed Equity Through Action - Systems Leadership Professional Development for Superintendent's Cabinet with The Scholar First, Inc. in the Amount of $37,750
X. Building & Grounds Committee, Bruce Schubert, Chair
X.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
X.A.1. Next Building & Grounds Committee Meeting - Tuesday, July 5, 2022 and Monday, August 1, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. at the Administrataive Center
X.B. Action Item:
X.B.1. Motion to Approve the Hiring of Eighteen (18) PK-8 Safety & Security Officers
X.B.2. Motion to Enter into a Contract per ERATE Guidelines with Howard Technologies for the Purchase, Installation, Configuration and Training of Palo Alto Firewalls at the East Aurora Administrative Center and East Aurora High School in the Amount of $181,594
X.B.3. Motion to Enter into a Contract per ERATE Guidelines with Qubit Networks for the Upgrade of the Wireless Infrastructure at Multiple School Sites as Listed in the Contract in the Amount of $392,752
XI. Second Public Comments/Questions (20 Minutes)
XII. Informational Items, if any:
XIII. Adjournment