October 5, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Roll Call
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. First Public Comments/Questions (20 Minutes)
IV. Communications from the Superintendent
IV.A. Student Board Member Report
IV.B. Parent University - October 24th
IV.C. School Re-Opening Update
IV.D. Construction Update
IV.E. Stipends
IV.F. 2021 Healthcare Insurance
V. Motion to Approve the Following Consent Agenda, as listed:
V.A. Board of Education Meeting Minutes of September 21, 2020
V.B. Executive Session Meeting Minutes of September 21, 2020
V.C. Monthly Financial Reports, as listed:
V.D. Personnel Report, as listed:
V.D.1. Resignations
V.D.2. Appointments
V.D.3. Adjusted Appointments
V.D.4. Leaves
V.D.5. Differentials
V.D.6. Retirements
V.D.7. Dismissals
VI. Finance/Personnel Committee, Annette Johnson, Chair
VI.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
VI.A.1. Next Finance/Committee Meeting - Tuesday, October 13th at 5:00 p.m. at the SSC
VI.B. Action Items:
VI.B.1. Motion to Approve the Following Revisions to IASB PRESS Board Policies:
VI.B.1.a. 2:260 (Board of Education - Uniform Grievance Procedure)
VI.B.1.b. 2:265 (Board of Education - Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure)
VI.B.1.c. 5:10 (General Personnel - Equal Employment Opportunity and Mionority Recruitment)
VI.B.1.d. 5:20 (General Personnel - Workplace Harassment Prohibited)
VI.B.1.e. 5:100 (General Personnel - Staff Development Program)
VI.B.1.f. 5:330 (Educational Support Personnel - Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays and Leaves)
VI.B.1.g. 7:10 (Students - Equal Educational Opportunities)
VI.B.1.h. 7:20 (Students - Bullying and Harassment of Students Prohibited)
VI.B.1.i. 7:180 (Students - Prevention of and Respnse to Bullying, Intimidation and Harassment)
VI.B.1.j. 7:185 (Students - Teen Dating Violence Prohibited)
VII. Curriculum and Programs Committee, Kimberly Hatchett, Chair, met September 21st at 6:00 p.m. at East High School
VII.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
VII.A.1. Next Curriculum Committee Meeting - Monday, October 19th at 6:00 p.m. at East High School
VII.A.2. Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes of September 21, 2020
VII.A.3. Fall 2020 Enrollment and Attendance
VII.A.4. Stipend Proposal
VII.A.5. Related Service Plan
VII.A.6. Curriculum Resource Kits
VII.A.7. Swivl Proposal
VII.A.8. MAP Testing
VII.A.9. College Board and Learning Forward Virtual Conferences
VII.A.10. Middle School and East Aurora High School Tutoring
VII.A.11. EA2 Updates 2019/2020 and 2020/2021
VII.B. Action Items: None
VIII. Building & Grounds Committee, Bruce Schubert, Chair
VIII.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
VIII.A.1. Next Building & Grounds Committee Meeting - Monday, October 5th at 6:00 p.m. and Monday, November, 2nd at 6:00 p.m. at East High School
VIII.B. Action Item: None
IX. Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing Negotiations, Independent Contractors, Workman's Compensation, the Appointment, Employment and Dismissal of a Specific Employee
X. Action Resulting from Executive Session
XI. Second Public Comments/Questions (20 Minutes)
XII. Informational Items, if any:
XIII. Adjournment