August 6, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Roll Call
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Communications from the Superintendent
III.A. Superintendent Report - Dr. Norrell
III.B. Consensus on Special Board of Education Meeting - President Johnson
III.C. Motion to Approve the Aurora Police Department SRO Agreement Including Crossing Guards
III.D. Motion to Approve the Reciprocal Reporting Agreement Between the Aurora Police Department and East Aurora School District 131
IV. First Public Comments/Questions (20 Minutes)
V. Board Comments
VI. Motion to Approve the Following Consent Agenda, as listed:
VI.A. Board of Education Meeting Minutes of July 16, 2018
VI.B. Executive Session Meeting Minutes of July 16, 2018
VI.C. Monthly Financial Reports, as listed:
VI.C.1. List of Bills
VI.D. Personnel Report, as listed:
VI.D.1. Resignations
VI.D.2. Appointments
VI.D.3. Adjusted Appointments
VI.D.4. Leaves
VII. Finance/Personnel Committee, Annette Johnson, Chair
VII.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
VII.A.1. Meeting Schedule - Tuesday, August 14th at 4:30 p.m. at the SSC
VII.A.2. Finance Committee Minutes of July 10, 2018
VII.B. Action Items:
VII.B.1. Motion to Approve the Resolution Providing for the Issue of not to Exceed $16,500,000 General Obligation Refunding School Bonds of the District, Providing for the Refunding or Repayment of Certain Outstanding Bonds of said School District, Providing for the Levy of a Direct Annual Tax Sufficient to Pay the Principal and Interest on said Bonds, Authorizing the Execution of an Escrow Agreement in Connection Therewith and Authorizing the Proposed Sale of Said Bonds to Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated
VII.B.2. Motion to Approve the Commitment of $4,000,000 of District Funds to Retire Bonded Indebtedness of the District in Connection with Phase 2 of the District's Bond Restructuring Program Currently Conducted through Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated
VII.B.3. Motion to Appoint Sustainability Partners, LLC, as a Free-for-Service Energy Project Provider Pursuant to the Results of the Response to Request for Proposal Heretofore Issued to be Hereafter Approved on a Project by Project Basis at the Discretion of the Board as Proposed Addenda Specifying the Scope and Cost of Proposed Jobs are from Time to Time Considered
VII.B.4. Motion to Approve the Hazardous Crossing Resolution and the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) School Safety Busing Application.
VII.B.5. Motion to Approve the Revisions to the Following IASB PRESS Policies:
VII.B.5.a. 5:20 (General Personnel - Workplace Harassment Prohibited)
VII.B.5.b. 5:200 (Professional Personnel - Terms and Conditions of Employment)
VII.B.5.c. 6:10 (Instruction - Educational Goals, Philosophy and Objectives)
VII.B.5.d. 6:30 (Instruction - Organization of Instruction)
VII.B.5.e. 6:60 (Instruction - Curriculum Content)
VII.B.5.f. 6:120 (Instruction - Education of Children with Disabilities)
VII.B.5.g. 6:135 (Instruction - Accelerated Placement Program)
VII.B.5.h. 6:190 (Instruction - Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities)
VII.B.5.i. 6:230 (Instruction - Library Media Program)
VII.B.5.j. 6:240 (Field Trips and Recreational Class Trips)
VII.B.6. Motion to Approve the Settlement Agreement Between East Aurora School District 131 and Local 604 Regarding a Specific Employee
VIII. Curriculum and Programs Committee, Kimberly Hatchett, Chair, met July 16th at 5:00 at the School Service Center
VIII.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
VIII.A.1. Meeting Schedule - Monday, August 20th at 5:00 p.m. at the SSC
VIII.A.2. Curriculum Committee Minutes of July 16, 2018
VIII.A.3. SPARK Partnership
VIII.A.4. Grant Funded Preschool Positions
VIII.A.5. Extension Campus Update
VIII.A.6. Magnet Course Proposals
VIII.A.7. Reading/STEM/History Summer Learning Project
VIII.A.8. Priority School Grant Update
VIII.A.9. ESEA Additional School Support & Preliminary Designations
VIII.A.10. Write to Learn
VIII.A.11. Curriculum Meeting Dates 18/19
VIII.B. Action Items:
VIII.B.1. Motion to Approve the Two (2) Year SPARK Agreement in the Amount of $15,000 per Year
VIII.B.2. Motion to Approve the Following Grant Positions:
VIII.B.2.a. One (1) FTE Parent Educator for the Early Childhood Center
VIII.B.2.b. One (1) FTE Clerical Position for the Early Childhood Center
VIII.B.2.c. Two (2) FTE Preschool Teacher Positions for Oak Park School
VIII.B.2.d. Two (2) FTE Preschool Teacher Assistants for Oak Park School
VIII.B.2.e. One .5 FTE Instructional Leader for the Early Childhood Center/O'Donnell School
VIII.B.2.f. One (1) FTE Preschool Teacher for the Early Childhood Center
VIII.B.2.g. One (1) FTE Preschool Teacher Assistant for the Early Childhood Center
VIII.B.2.h. Two (2) FTE Preschool Teacher Assistants (Floaters) for the Early Childhood Center and O'Donnell School
VIII.B.3. Motion to Approve the Digital Literacy Courses at the Magnet Academy for Grades 3-5
VIII.B.4. Motion to Approve the Humanities Courses at the Magnet Academy for Grades 5-8
VIII.B.5. Motion to Approve the Write to Learn Student Subscriptions (450) in the Amount of $8,977.50 and the Professional Development Remote Webinar for Thirty (30) Teachers in the Amount of $600 for a Total Amount of $9,577.50
IX. Building & Grounds Committee, Ken Darby/Bruce Schubert, Chairs met, July 30th at 5:00 p.m. at the School Service Center
IX.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
IX.A.1. Meeting Schedule - Tuesday, September 4th at 5:00 p.m. at the SSC
IX.A.2. Radon Update
IX.A.3. Summer Project Update
IX.A.4. Waldo Summer Work Update
IX.A.5. Bardwell Playground
IX.A.6. 5-Year Facility Improvement Strategic Plan
IX.A.7. Work Tickets
IX.A.8. Incident Reports
IX.B. New Business:
IX.B.1. Building Usage Request Process
IX.B.2. Numbering of Exterior Windows
IX.B.3. Gates Windows
IX.C. Action Items:
IX.C.1. Motion to Approve the Sale of Personal Property (Furniture)
X. Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing Negotiations, Litigation and the Appointment, Employment and Dismissal of a Specific Employee
XI. Action, if any, Resulting from Executive Session
XII. Second Public Comments/Questions (20 Minutes)
XIII. Informational Items, if any:
XIII.B. Immigration Flyer
XIV. Adjournment