September 5, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Roll Call
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Communications from the Superintendent
III.A. Community Relations Report
III.B. Superintendent Report
III.B.1. Magnet School Presentation - Dr. McDonald
III.C. Discussion Concerning Refinancing of Bonds
IV. Public Comments/Questions
V. Board Comments
VI. Motion to Approve the Following Consent Agenda, as listed:
VI.A. Board of Education Meeting Minutes of August 7, 2017
VI.B. Board of Education Meeting Minutes of August 21, 2017
VI.C. Executive Session Meeting Minutes of August 21, 2017
VI.D. Monthly Financial Reports, as listed:
VI.D.1. List of Bills
VI.E. Personnel Report, as listed:
VI.E.1. Resignations
VI.E.2. Appointments
VI.E.3. Adjusted Appointments
VI.E.4. Leaves
VI.F. Donations; as listed:
VI.F.1. $800 from the Dolan Family for High School Football
VI.F.2. $500 from Bradley J. Scott for High School Football
VI.F.3. 475 Backpacks Equipped with School Supplies from Costco for the Benavides STEAM Academy
VI.F.4. 10 Bridge Building Engineering Centers, 10 Instant Learning Centers, 19 Books, 12 Reams of Colored Paper and 2 Boxes of Manila File Folders from Donors Choose for the Benavides STEAM Academy
VI.F.5. $457 to Purchase Teacher Supplies and $200 Worth of School Supplies from Trinity Episcopal Church for Beaupre School
VI.F.6. $515 from the City of Aurora for Softball Shirts at Beaupre School
VI.F.7. $415 from Marlene Wagner, Conrad & Margaret Gosselin, Mary Alice Gin, Robert & Mary O'Connor, Jeff & Karen Hart, Judy Bazuin and Darrell & Mary Ann White to O'Donnell School in Memory of Mr. Al Neitzel
VI.F.8. 2 Playground Basketball Hoops and Nets Valued at $1,990 from Daniel Turano for Gates School
VI.F.9. $600 Worth of School Supplies from Ashlie Calabrese and Kim Grau for East Aurora School District 131
VI.F.10. 250 Backpacks and School Supplies from JcPenney for Krug School
VI.F.11. Volunteer Time and Paint for Repainting the US Map, Four-Square and Hopscotch Lines at Krug School from the Montgomery Rotary Club
VI.F.12. $1,000 from Cliff Pensyl for the East High Cross Country Team
VI.F.13. $350 Worth of General School Supplies from LTD Commodities for East Aurora School District 131
VI.F.14. $40 Worth of General School Supplies from John Tremine for East Aurora School District 131
VI.F.15. $350 Worth of General School Supplies from Pivotal Home Solutions for East Aurora School District 131
VI.F.16. $700 Worth of General School Supplies from Waubonsee Community College - Faculty Council for East Aurora School District 131
VI.G. Grants, as listed:
VI.G.1. $7,600 for Healthy Kids from Action for Healthy Kids to be used for Lunchroom Tables at Allen, Bardwell, Beaupre, Brady, Dieterich, Gates, Hermes, Johnson, Krug, O'Donnell, Oak Park and Rollins Elementary Schools
VI.G.2. $469.57 Rebate Through ComEd Energy Efficiency Program from Commonwealth Edison for Allen School
VI.G.3. $28,114 STEP Performance Contract from the Illinois Department of Human Services for the Transition Program at East High School
VI.G.4. $4,000 Fuel Up to Play 60 Grant from the Midwest Dairy Council for Blacktop Stencils for O'Donnell School
VI.G.5. $100 Meemic Education Grant from the Meemic Foundation for Scholastic Products at Cowherd Middle School
VI.H. Fieldtrips, as listed:
VI.H.1. East High - To Attend Various FCCLA Competitions at Regional, State, National Competitions. Dates TBD According to Qualifications; Usually the Beginning of April Each Year
VI.H.2. East High - Europe (England, France, Belgium, Germany and Austria) Through EF Tours - June 13 - 26, 2019
VI.H.3. East High - National History Day Competition - Washington D.C. - June 10-14, 2018
VII. Finance/Personnel Information
VII.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
VII.A.1. Review of the Revisions to the Following IASB PRESS Board Policies:
VII.A.1.a. 2:100 (Board of Education - Board Member Conflict of Interest)
VII.A.1.b. 3:70 (General School Administration - Succession of Authority)
VII.A.1.c. 4:15 (Operational Services - Identity Protection)
VII.A.1.d. 4:130-E (Operational Services - Exhibit - Free and Reduced Price Food Services: Meal Charge Notifications)
VII.A.1.e. 5:120 (General Personnel - Employee Ethics; Conduct; and Conflict of Interest)
VII.A.1.f. 5:230 (Professional Personnel - Maintaining Student Discipline)
VII.A.1.g. 5:285 (Educational Support Personnel - Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers)
VII.A.1.h. 5:300 ( Educational Support Personnel - Schedules and Employment Year)
VII.A.1.i. 6:70 (Instruction - Teaching About Religions)
VII.A.1.j. 7:100 (Students - Health, Eye and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students)
VII.A.2. Review/Discussion to Remove School Board Policy 6:302 (Instruction - Community Service Requirement)
VII.B. Action Items:
VII.B.1. Motion to Award the Math Professional Development Materials Bid to Barnes & Noble in the Amount of $60,545.77
VII.B.2. Motion to Award the Band Instruments Bid to the Following Vendors:
VII.B.2.a. Casio in the Amount of $47,586.90
VII.B.2.b. Music & Arts in the Amount of $41,881.95
VII.B.2.c. Sam Ash in the Amount of $979
VII.B.3. Motion to Approve the Resolution for Authorized Signers for the Fred Rogers Magnet Academy
VIII. Curriculum and Programs Committee, Kimberly Hatchett, Chair, met August 21st at 5:00 p.m. at the SSC
VIII.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
VIII.A.1. Meeting Schedule - Monday, September 18th at 5:00 p.m. at the SSC
VIII.A.2. Curriculum Committee Minutes of 8-21-17
VIII.A.3. Community Service
VIII.A.4. Technology 1:1 Update
VIII.A.5. PARCC and SAT Assessment Updates
VIII.A.6. Preliminary Graduation Update
VIII.A.7. Title - Schoolwide and District Plans
VIII.B. New Business:
VIII.B.1. Alternative Campus Update (September)
VIII.B.2. Summer School Update (September)
VIII.B.3. Destiny Inventory (October)
VIII.B.4. Mentoring Update (October)
VIII.B.5. City Partnership (September/October)
VIII.C. Action Items: None
IX. Building & Grounds Committee, Ken Darby/Bruce Schubert, Co-Chairs
IX.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
IX.A.1. Meeting Schedule - Tuesday, September 5th at 5:00 p.m. at the SSC
IX.B. Action Items: None
X. Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing Litigation and the Appointment, Employment and Dismissal of a Specific Employee
XI. Action, if any, Resulting from Executive Session
XII. Informational Items, if any
XII.A. News Articles
XII.B. FOIA Update
XIII. Adjournment